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Jordan Weisman

Jordan Weisman
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.8

Books by Jordan Weisman


Cathy's Key (2000)

it was quite boring, but I liked the fact that there were little drawings in every page :) this book, second in the series was just as good as the first one! now i have to find the third one!

Cathy's Key (2000) by Jordan Weisman

Il segreto di Cathy (2008)

This series just keeps getting better! If I thought the first book was addicting, this one was impossible to put down. Cathy's Key is riveting from page one; so much so that I was up until the wee hours of the night (/morning) reading it! I don't even know what else to say; basically I'd just be ...

Il segreto di Cathy (2008) by Jordan Weisman

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