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Cathyś Ring (2009)

Cathyś Ring (2009)

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3833938021 (ISBN13: 9783833938023)

About book Cathyś Ring (2009)

Have i ever mentioned that i completely adore these books!? i have not?! Well, let me start with saying that right now!!I liked this one way more than the second, it was funnier and the artwork was better on this one, it was more like the first.First off, Emma and Cathy are my favorite characters ever. Usually i like one of the foils more than the main narrator, especially when the books is in first person. But, i love Cathy so-o-o much!!! She's so very hilarious, i love her voice in the story. Then, of course, there's Emma, her british/chinese evil super genius best friend. Another character i absolutely adore.Denny was sweet but i wasn't a fan. I prefer Victor, which, i suppose, is a very good thing =)I love how the immortals and all that tie into the story. These books are so not cliche. And, as you all know, i love things that aren't cliche.Really what captured my attention with these, especially with the first one, was the artwork. I absolutely adore the doodles and sketches on the sides of the pages. They bring such personality to the book!So, i was quite pleased that this one took after the first and not the rather tedious second book. Is it the last? Does anyone know? i really hope not. I suppose everything was resolved in this one, but still....5/5 stars, definitely This book is a fun continuation of the others in the series. What's nice is that some old-skool Stewart comes out to play in a few really nice turns of phrase and full paragraphs of description.I was actually somewhat disappointed and shocked that the evidence packet only contained two pieces. Now, granted, one piece is really very sweet, and the other has some ... neat features to it (I'll leave it at that), but I was really looking forward to finishing the story and then combing through all the stuff.I was absolutely certain I would see at least part of a breath freshener canister label, a specific matchbook, and perhaps a M. Vickers repro postcard or something.But, no. Just two pieces of 'evidence,' only one of which is actually in-story and carries emotional resonance. Hmmm. Disappointing.

Do You like book Cathyś Ring (2009)?

The authors took a great premise and drained every bit of imagination. Such a shame

Le meilleur de la série! Cathy dit toujours autant de réparties qui me font rire

i lost the ring to cathy's ring its pretty

OMG another Cathy's book... Cant wait!..

not bad

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