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Horror: The 100 Best Books (1998)

Horror: The 100 Best Books (1998)

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0786705523 (ISBN13: 9780786705528)
carroll & graf

About book Horror: The 100 Best Books (1998)

This is a fantastic resource. I am working on assembling a reading list for a book club themed around the history and evolution of horror. While Supernatural Horror in Literature can do a good job carrying my into the 1930's, this takes me on the same journey but up into the 1980's. I can fill out a list from the last few decades on my own.Several of these essays sold me on whether or not I would find a book compelling, and many convinced me to give some books a chance. Some of these made me downright itchy to read. And some of these books are criminally out of print and unavailable for a reasonable price. My only significant regret is that I will not be able to fit more on the reading list for the book club, while simultaneously my own list has received significant fattening.

100 essays from various authors in the Horror/Sci-Fi world, on what book they think should be listed as one of the 100 Best -- I enjoyed many of the essays just by themselves, and I came up with a BUNCH of new additions to my wishlist (see below). The Monk - Matthew Gregory Lewis (1796)Northhanger Abbey - Jane Austen (1817) - Jane Austen? a horror novelist?Melmouth the Wanderer - Charles Maturin (1820)Twice-Told Tales - Nathaniel Hawthorne (1837)The Black Spider - Jeremias Gotthelf (1842)The Isl

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