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Stephen Jones

Stephen Jones
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Books by Stephen Jones


The Mammoth Book of Zombie Apocalypse! (2010)

Lured in by the cool cover, I was expecting a zombiefest worthy of a read. I was very disappointed. This book is trying so hard to a UK version of 'World War Z' and it doesn't even get close. I found myself bored when reading. BORED! When reading a book about Zombies! What!? The way the zombies c...

The Mammoth Book of Zombie Apocalypse! (2010) by Stephen Jones

Coraline: A Visual Companion. Stephen Jones (2009)

I think that I like that the story is kind of horror. That is because the part when the mother(fake) turns into a long-necked human-being suddenly and tries to eat Coraline up. Coraline did not believe what the women said to her that lives downstairs. One of the women said that Coraline is in dan...

Coraline: A Visual Companion. Stephen Jones (2009) by Stephen Jones

The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror 19 (2007)

As ever, a veritable treasure trove of fiction, yearly news round-up and necrology that continues the strong tradition the series has gathered for itself. Also, as ever, some of the fiction appeals and some of it doesn’t. Particular stand-outs for me were “Man, You Gotta See This!” by Tony Rich...

The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror 19 (2007) by Stephen Jones

Horror: The 100 Best Books (1998)

This is a fantastic resource. I am working on assembling a reading list for a book club themed around the history and evolution of horror. While Supernatural Horror in Literature can do a good job carrying my into the 1930's, this takes me on the same journey but up into the 1980's. I can fill ou...

Horror: The 100 Best Books (1998) by Stephen Jones

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