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Het Diner (2009)

Het diner (2009)

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3.21 of 5 Votes: 3
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9041413685 (ISBN13: 9789041413680)

About book Het Diner (2009)

As I said in the thread on this book - I don't really know what to think of it... I found it sort of fascinating but obviously also sickening/disturbing. I think it may be a hyperbole of a common malaise of our society... getting filled with RAGE at small things (the waiter pointing with his pinky, etc.) but not caring at all about things that actually matter, or worse - finding a way to rationalize/defending moral wrongs. After all the hype I expected something sensational. Very disappointed. Why would a distinguished politician gunning to be Prime Minister ever want to discuss a private family matter of such magnitude in a public restaurant? We are left with so many unanswered questions that I don't really have a good perception as to what the book was really about. Evil acts that are never prosecuted - I just don't get it!!

Do You like book Het Diner (2009)?

This is one of the strangest books I've read in a long time. The narrator is terrific.

Disturbing and quietly violent.

Could not put this down.

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