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Gathering Blue (2015)

Gathering Blue (2015)

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0385732562 (ISBN13: 9780385732567)
delacorte press

About book Gathering Blue (2015)

اللون الأزرقاللون الوحيد الناقص في حياة هذا المجتمع الذي اختلقته لويس لوريهذه الكاتبة الرائعة التي كتبت رواية الواهبقد تكون هذه االرواية هي الجزء الثاني من الواهب لكنها لا ترتبط بها قط في الاحداث...الفكرة متشابهة إلى حد ما لكن النهاية عكس الرواية الاولى...كأن الكاتبة قررت أن تكتب نفس الفكرة باسلوب اخر ونهاية اخرى ليس أكثرهذه الرواية على عكس الواهب رتمها بطئ إلى حد الملل مع انها اقصر من الواهب على حد علميتتحدث عن المجتمع بشكل رمزي...باسلوبها المبسط المختصر في الوصف...تصف كل شئ في جمل قصيرة تجعلك اثناء القراءة ترى كل الموقف بوضوح كأنه صورة امامك وهذا ما احبه في اسلوب الكاتبةطريقة كتابتها تجعلك تشعر بالدفئ تجعلك تصبر وتصبر لما تريد هي ان تقوله لكربما شعرت ان هذه الرواية طفولية اكثر من الواهب...شعرت فعلا معنى كلمة ادب المراهقين....لأني لم اشعر بهذا في الواهبكيرا الفتاة المسكينة التي ولدت بعيب خلقي في قدمها...حين مات ابويها كاد يلفظها المجتمع لتترك وحيدة في الغابة ليأكلها الوحوش...لكن موهبتها في الخياطة وصبغ الاقمشة جعلتهم يحتفظون بها لهدف اسمى...وهو اعادة ترميم ما يسمونه الحبل...وهو عبارة عن قماش عريض تم تصميم صور عليه تحكي حكاية الماضي منذ بداية الخليقة حتى اللحظة الراهنة ومتروك فيه اجزاء لتخييط المستقبل والذي ستقوم به كيرا في حياتها...كما ان هذه القرية تملك جميع الوان الاصباغ ما عدا اللون الازرق...كما نرى الحكاية رمزية في تصوير الماضي والحاضر اننا نعرفه ونراه بكل اخطاءه ولا نتعلم منه....وبالرغم انه باماكننا رسم مستقبل افضل إلا اننا لا نفعل....تصوير قسوة المجتمع للشخص الذي لا يؤدي ماهو مطلوب منه...تصوير ما يحب المرء ان يفعله وحين يتحول هذا الشئ الى عمل فيشعر الانسان انه محكوم في قالب ليس مقاسه تصوير العواطف والمصالح تصوير الشخصيات كان رائعا جدا وعميق في هذه الرواية تشعر انك تعرف كل شخصية كأنها انسان حقيقي قابلته في حياتك كذلك تصوير الكاتبة لكل ما يعتمل في ذهن كيرا وكيف يشعر الانسان المعوق في كل امور حياته اعجبنيهذه الرواية متوسطة في مجملها ما يجعلها ضعيفة هي انها الجزء الثاني من الواهب لان الواهب كانت فوق الرائعةكما ان الفكرة فانتازية في المقام الاول وكان من الممكن ان تسير في درب اكثر جموحا من الذي سارت فيه الكاتبة لكني توقعت معظم الاحداث تقريبا وشعرت بخيبة امل كبيرة حين وصلت للنهايةلكني ان شاء الله ساستمر في قراءة الجزئين الاخرين من هذه السلسلة احببت تصوير هذه الصورة لشخصية فاندارا عدوة كيرا:

Gathering Blue is an unlikely sequel to The Giver, Lois Lowry's famous dystopia. It's unlikely because it has literally nothing to do with its predecessor, and I'm not sure why it was even written.Like The Giver, Gathering Blue is also a dystopian novel andalthough you might find it difficult to believe the dystopian world in the novel is even less developed than the one in The Giver. Basically, the story is set in a village at some unspecific point in time, where people who cannot work and contribute to society are killed. The main character, Kira, is handicapped (a twisted leg), and was protected from being killed by her mother, who has just died. The Village Council decides to allow Kira to remain within the village as she is a skilled weaver, and gives her a important task - repairing illustrations embroidered on a robe which shows the history of the society, worn by a Singer who performs at a day-long Ruin Song Gathering, singing about the past. Perhaps the fatal flaw of Gathering Blue is the lack of details, even more so than in The Giver - we do not connect with Kira's village because we know so little about it - the political and societal structure of he village is barely drawn, and is even more unimaginative than the one in The Giver. The plot feels contrived to the point of being absurd - the significance of the paintings which Kira repairs is never fully explained - and, like The Giver, the book ends with a cliffhanger - with a twist that would make M. Night Shyamalan cringe. But to get to that point you'll have to get through an unimaginative book which moves at a glacial pace, with events that we don't care about and people we don't care for - I can't possibly see how it could attract the attention of younger readers, let alone keep it.I've just read that Gathering Blue is a "companion" book to The Giver, and not a sequel, which could at least partly be an explanation for absolute lack of links between the two. Which leads me to the question - what exactly was the point in writing it? Perhaps I'll find an answer in the later volumes of this saga, but if they maintain this level of quality then I'm not sure if I want to read them.

Do You like book Gathering Blue (2015)?

That's not a plot, that's a twist!I read this book as a companion to "The Giver," and I was pretty disappointed. The underlying sense of unease and the tense pacing that makes the Giver so fantastic just isn't present in "Gathering Blue." Part of this, is that because it is a companion book, I read this book differently than I read the Giver. Instead of reading the book with white knuckles and wide eyes, thinking, "What the heck is wrong with these people???" I read it thinking, "Yeah, yeah, creepy village -- what's the twist?" I think the book might actually be better read if you haven't read "The Giver." However, I'm hesitant to say that, because if you're going to read one dystopic Lowry novel, you should definitely go for The Giver. Because the main character is an outcast and the reader is therefore also kept at arm's length from the village, the reader doesn't feel a strong sense of betrayal or shock when the inevitable twist occurs. We're not connected with the village, in the way that we were connected to Jonas's community through his ties for his parents and friends. Furthermore, the world is not incredibly well-crafted (Do we really need the beasts? Another device might have been even more menacing), to the point of being uninspired.Kira is also very passive and it was hard for me to connect with her. Things happen to Kira -- she doesn't make things happen, which doesn't make for a gripping read. I wish the story had been told from the point of view of her adventurous young friend Matt, the only character in the novel who is dynamic enough to act. Also, the pacing is horribly slow. I don't think I would have had the patience for this novel as a young reader.If you think that reading about someone sitting around and weaving is absolutely thrilling, then this book is for you. Or, if you keep a framed photo of M. Night Shyamalan on your nightstand, then you'll definitely like this book.

Written in the year 2000, Gathering Blue is a dystopian novel and serves as a companion to the award-winning novel, The Giver. The main character, Kira, a young girl of only two syllables is newly orphaned. She is handicapped, born with a twisted leg to a primitive society that casts the weak to The Field Of Leaving, where they are left to die. Kira’s widowed mother defends the newborn child against the Draggers despite her crippled leg. However, without the protection of her mother due to a sudden and mysterious death, Kira must face the struggles of new beginnings despite the ruthless Vandara's effort to bring her end. Talented with the art of the threads, Kira is spared, but only if she can complete the task of restoring the Singer’s Robe. After continuous work, Kira befriends Thomas the Carver, and Jo the singer in training. Soon, many questions arise as the trio discovers that they have distinct similarities. 1. They have all been suddenly orphaned. 2. They all have an extraordinary talent that excels them far beyond others. 3. What seems to be a luxurious life in the Council Edifice, soon is unmasked as they learn they are the Guardians prisoners. Determined to learn what terrible secrets the Council of Guardians may hold, and to change the future for what may come, Kira will fight to save those she loves, and perhaps find the rare blue dye in which she longs for so deeply in the process. Gathering Blue is an incredible book. I would definitely recommend this book to others. It tells of many great moral values, while intertwining the curiosity in the ways of the unique community. This book inspires the reader with its theme, as explained in the quote by Kira, “Take pride in your pain: you are stronger than those who have none.” (p. 22) Gathering Blue will take grasp of your curiosity and keep your nose snug in this book!
—Jessica Stanley

Mitticus wrote: "¿y te extraña despues del libro anterior? :/"Tenía la esperanza de que no tuviera un final así :c Igual, este me dejó más plop que el otro, quizás es porque me gustó más XD
—Chesira Prado

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