"The Sorcerers Heir" is the final installment in a high fantasy series rich in the paranormal and filled with shocking disclosures. It opens in Trinity Ohio where the tenuous peace between the wizards and the underguilds is strained after an influx of killings. With Madison Moss's twelve year ol...
Okay, so! Like many other fans of Cinda Williams Chima's original Heir and Seven Realms series, I was absolutely ecstatic when the Enchanter Heir was released. Having finally read it, I will admit that I quite enjoyed it. While it's arguably not as compelling as most of her work, it is an enjoyab...
Over long build up to a somewhat muddled and boring battle mar this book. It felt like an unnecessary addendum to The Wizard Heir. Still... I'm of course going to go read Dead To Me (Heir Chronicles 3.5 - a short PDF download) right now then The Enchanter Heir because I'm unable to leave a stor...
the book The Dragon Heir was a great book. i liked how it really wrapped up an epic series with lots of action and drama. it was amazing how it really changed your ideas on the whole world of magic and how it started. it really went in depth of how the characters react to a situation of death to ...