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Series: Malory-Anderson Family

by Author Johanna Lindsey


The Present (2001)

Bintang 3,5Buku ke6 seri Malory-Anderson FamilyBuku satu ini cukup unik. Aku jarang membaca cerita berbingkai dan buku ini adalah salah satunya.Setelah 5 tahun berlalu dari kehebohan skandal perceraian dan skandal Derek dan Kelsey, Jason yg selama waktu itu telah sering meyakinkan Molly untuk men...

The Present (2001) by Johanna Lindsey

The Magic of You (2005)

Have i told you that i love Malory family and now Anderson family even more???I already told you that, ugh???? Sorry, but be patient with me!!! What is one more time???I think that in this book i laugh more than all the previous books and believe me that all of them was laughable enough...But thi...

The Magic of You (2005) by Johanna Lindsey

Love Only Once (2005)

IMPORTANT: This review has initially been written on my own site back in the day (2009) when I was not a goodreads member.I'll refrain from writing a summary and simply point out the ups and downs from my perspective. I'll also be most careful on how much I will be revealing; my desire is to make...

Love Only Once (2005) by Johanna Lindsey

Gentle Rogue (2005)

Re-read 7/18/10 -- Man... I think I even liked this audiobook better the second time around. Pirrrrrrrratical fun. ;)4.5/5 stars. This was my first novel by Johanna Lindsey, though I read a short-story of hers in an anthology before reading this book. As I listened to the audiobook, I was tr...

Gentle Rogue (2005) by Johanna Lindsey

Say You Love Me (1997)

When reading a series there are some readers who liked to be reminded of past heros and heroines from the previous books, I happen to not be one of those readers. Don't get me wrong I don't mind a small re-cap but to go on pages and pages about how Anthony was a notorious rake and how James was a...

Say You Love Me (1997) by Johanna Lindsey

Captive of My Desires (2007)

Ugh. Looks like I dipped in the Malory well one too many times. After reading The Magic of You and Say You Love Me, and enjoying both immensely, I was looking forward to more of the same with Captive of My Desires. What a let-down. Not only were the hero and heroine totally mismatched, but I co...

Captive of My Desires (2007) by Johanna Lindsey

Tender Rebel (2005)

Το πρώτο πράγμα που πρόσεξα όταν έπιασα στα χέρια μου το βιβλίο της Johanna Lindsey “Τυφλή Αφοσίωση”, το οποίο κυκλοφορεί από τις εκδόσεις Elxis, ήταν το συγκλονιστικό εξώφυλλο του. Ιδανικό για την ιστορία του βιβλίου και τους δυναμικούς του ήρωες. Ήρωες που γνώριζα καλά, πολύ πριν τον βιβλίο εκδ...

Tender Rebel (2005) by Johanna Lindsey

Enemigos perfectos (2010)

Audio Version: I must say, I went into this book expecting not to like it. I was annoyed that the leads were not Mallory's or married into the family. I was pleasantly surprised when I was about an hour into the story. I always love the narrator of this series but the story was engaging and kept ...

Enemigos perfectos (2010) by Johanna Lindsey

Debar Cinta Dari Masa Lalu (2010)

I've missed the Malory clan. In a time a when appearing to be perfect is the goal of The Ton, The Malory Family are very happy and comfortable being the antithesis of what is expected. It may even be argued, that James and Tony make it a point to push the enevople even futher. With time, all thin...

Debar Cinta Dari Masa Lalu (2010) by Johanna Lindsey

That Perfect Someone (2010)

Es uno de esos libros que nunca imaginas que te atraparan, comienzan algo aburridos y luego no los puedes dejar de leer, me paso con este libro, al principio no me gusto mucho porque es una historia bien clasica, del odio al amor solo hay un paso, que de la rabia pasa a una pasiaon ardiente que t...

That Perfect Someone (2010) by Johanna Lindsey

Stormy Persuasion (2014)

Stormy Persuation is a Malory novel by Johanna Lindsey. It is mainly set in London and on the high seas to America. The characters, as usual, are clearly depicted and very realistic or as much as can be for a period novel. The plot is interesting and keeps you on your toes. Jacqueline Malory...

Stormy Persuasion (2014) by Johanna Lindsey