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Series: Joséphine

by Author Katherine Pancol


The Yellow Eyes of Crocodiles (2013)

What. The. Hell. Is. This ?! Quando olhei pela primeira para este livro, várias coisas me saltaram à vista e nenhuma delas foi particularmente positiva. O título do livro não é dos mais apelativos e quando se junta a ele, uma capa como esta... Bem, digamos que uma pessoa não vai a correr adquirir...

The Yellow Eyes of Crocodiles (2013) by Katherine Pancol

De trage wals van de schildpadden (2008)

Pokračování úspěšného románu ŽLUTÉ OČI KROKODÝLŮ, který vyprávěl především příběh dvou sester. Hlavní postavou byla charismatická čtyřicátnice Joséphine, která se potýkala s komplikovaným rozvodem, finančními nesnázemi a problémovou pubertální dcerou.Co vše se stalo od minule? Jak se daří Joséphi...

De trage wals van de schildpadden (2008) by Katherine Pancol

El vals lento de las tortugas (2008)

Tarinan ykkösosa Krokotiilin keltaiset silmät oli mielenkiintoinen siksi, että se toi ranskalaisen näkökulman viihdekirjallisuuteen. Kaikki ei ollutkaan itsestäänselvää, ja lisäksi ranskalaisilla tuntuu olevan raikas näkökulma avioliittoon ja rakastajiin/-jattariin. Tämä toinen osa oli siksi pett...

El vals lento de las tortugas (2008) by Katherine Pancol

Gli occhi gialli dei coccodrilli (2009)

Ce livre est très divertissant, assez bien écrit avec des styles différents pour chaque perspective.En effet, ce roman ne contient pas de chapitre ce qui permet une harmonie et une fluidité à l'intrigue.Les personnages sont attachants même si, à mon avis, ils manquent un peu de relief.Pour ce qui...

Gli occhi gialli dei coccodrilli (2009) by Katherine Pancol

Žute oči krokodila (2012)

Sort of droll novel about two sisters, Iris and Josephine. Iris is bored with her life, despite wanting for nothing, and decides to write a novel about 12th-century life to spice things up and get some cache. Problem is she knows nothing about 12th-century life and doesn't actually have the gumpt...

Žute oči krokodila (2012) by Katherine Pancol

Os Olhos Amarelos dos Crocodilos (2010)

A reasonably well written, entertaining, novel of manners, based on characters in contemporary Paris.It is a light, easy to read, page turner, yet contains a wide range of characters who have mostly been adequately drawn, such that they have distinct and palpable personalities. Although the hero...

Os Olhos Amarelos dos Crocodilos (2010) by Katherine Pancol

De gele ogen van de krokodillen (2011)

I just finished this novel and I am fascinated. It was so profound, hilarious, and unexpected. I enjoyed her writing style. I hope the English translation do justice to the distinction of the narrative which captured beautifully the ordinary yet interesting life of each of these characters.This i...

De gele ogen van de krokodillen (2011) by Katherine Pancol

Los ojos amarillos de los cocodrilos (2000)

I really wasn't sure about this book when I started... I rarely read anything set in the 'modern age' and it all sounded rather depressing... But I loved it. My only criticism would be the slightly predictable bits with regards to, say, Luca & Iris' storylines... But nonetheless. It's an emotiona...

Los ojos amarillos de los cocodrilos (2000) by Katherine Pancol