And so the fifth volume of the Tales series is read out. One more to go. It took me longer than expected and desired. Like the others, however, there are good and not good stories in it, making the novel on a whole not super, but average. Then again, it concerns seperate tales of low importance i...
And the final Tales novel is finished. Finally. Reading all the Tales novels (6) in a row feels like I've read several novels. As a result, I need some time off regarding Dragonlance. :PIn any case, The War Of The Lance seems to be, in my opinion, the best of the pack. It's got the most stories t...
Part 4 in the Tales series, or the first part of the second Tales trilogy, so to speak. The tales revolve around the holy city of Istar and the Kingpriest, in the period before the Cataclysm. It's got 8 stories, not all equally good or entertaining. Michael William's songs have never been my cup ...