ذكرتني تلك القصة بالجو المميز لقصص شيرلوك هولمز,البطل المتفرد العبقري غريب الاطوار,الصديق محدود الذكاء راوي الأحداث,جريمة غامضة وحقائق مروعة وألغاز وتشويق وتوتر..ممتعة القصة وبها قدر لابأس به من الإثارة لكن ليست عبقرية كأعمال هولمز نفسه. Wow. This story was amazing. Edgar Allan Poe, the father of...
Having read a number of Sherlock Holmes stories over the past year our so, I was shocked to realise how similar these Dumas novels of Poe's are, except some fifty years earlier. One very impressive example is early in the story of the murders of the Rue Morgue, where Dumas knows what his companio...
The much-hyped, greatly-revered “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” were a bitter disappointment.The first and titular of the five short stories began with a long discussion of everything you never wanted to know about chess, simply to allow Poe to make clear the difference between observing and anal...
I had the opportunity to read this short story over Christmas. I'm a huge fan of Sherlock Holmes. Those short stories were my introduction to the murder mystery and I was hooked. This story by Poe is credited with starting the mystery genre, so I was glad to finally read it.I was a little disa...
O livro incluía ainda “O Mistério de Marie Rogêt”, ambos protagonizados pelo célebre detective “caseiro” Dupin (que veio a influenciar a criação posterior de outros mais conhecidos: Sherlock Holmes e Hercule Poirot, por exemplo). Por um lado gostei das reflexões metafísicas que acompanhavam a aná...
Un relato policíaco que presenta al lector un crimen aparentemente irresoluble, en el que todo gira entorno a una habitación cerrada. Un crimen sangriento y brutal resuelto por una mente privilegiada; muy a lo Sherlock Holmes. (De hecho, se considera a Auguste Dupine, creado por Edgar Allan Poe, ...