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Series: Brodies Of Alaska

by Author Kat Martin


Against the Wild (2014)

This book was provided by Kensington Books via Net Galley for an honest review..3-3.5 stars..Lane Bishop owns an interior design firm in Beverly Hills. Her fiancé was killed a few years back, and she's never moved forward in her romantic life. Then, she meets Dylan Brodie. Dylan, recently purc...

Against the Wild (2014) by Kat Martin

A l'état sauvage (2014)

I really enjoyed this book. In the story there were ghost, a murder, A sick stalker, bullets that flew, and a emergency landing. A lot went on within the pages of this book. I found this book hard to put down once I opened the first page. The romance between Dylan, and Lane was sweet. They feel f...

A l'état sauvage (2014) by Kat Martin