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A L'état Sauvage (2014)

A l'état sauvage (2014)

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3.96 of 5 Votes: 3
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2811213414 (ISBN13: 9782811213411)

About book A L'état Sauvage (2014)

I really enjoyed this book. In the story there were ghost, a murder, A sick stalker, bullets that flew, and a emergency landing. A lot went on within the pages of this book. I found this book hard to put down once I opened the first page. The romance between Dylan, and Lane was sweet. They feel for one another the day they met. He had to work to make her agree to help him with remodeling his cabin. Lane was a interior designer, and was good at her job. She had never been to Alaska before, and agreed to go. The story also was about a little girl that was 8 years old. She has not said a word in years. She stopped talking the night her mother died. There were places within the story that I could feel the strong emotions, and my eyes got moist. Great book! As with all of Kat Martin‘s books, AGAINST THE WILD is a great book. It takes place in Alaska, and after visiting the state and falling in love with the wilderness, I really enjoyed reading this particular book. As Kat described the landscape and the Alaskan Indians, and the small towns, I was transported back to the time I spent there.The story revolves around an old lodge with mysterious happenings and of course, there’s love in the air. It was a fun read and definitely had a little suspense thrown in for good measure. If you are a fan of Kat Martin’s, you’ll definitely love this book, and if you haven’t read any of her books, this would be a great one with which to start. You’ll not only enjoy suspense and romance, you’ll enjoy learning about the Alaskan outback.AGAINST THE WILD gets five stars from me. Enjoy!I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book. mystery and romance set in Alaska.

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Good read:)

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