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Against The Wild (2014)

Against the Wild (2014)

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3.97 of 5 Votes: 5
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1420133829 (ISBN13: 9781420133820)

About book Against The Wild (2014)

This book was provided by Kensington Books via Net Galley for an honest review..3-3.5 stars..Lane Bishop owns an interior design firm in Beverly Hills. Her fiancé was killed a few years back, and she's never moved forward in her romantic life. Then, she meets Dylan Brodie. Dylan, recently purchased a lodge in Alaska, and extends a job offer to Lane to be his interior designer.As Lane makes the trek to Alaska, she soon learns there's more to the job. Dylan has a daughter, there's ghost stories surrounding the lodge, and to top it off, there's a murderer on the loose! Lane and Dylan decide to act on their feelings, knowing that things just won't work out: Lane is heading back to Beverly Hills/Dylan has a business and family to take care of.There were many layers to the story, which were enjoyable. Lane and Dylan were both complex characters, and developed well. I did feel the story dragged a bit, and some of the love scenes had a high "cheesy" factor to me. I'm a huge fan of Kat Martin, but this book was just "good" for me. Keeping that in mind, I will absolutely read the next in the series. Against the Wild is my first Kat Martin book and I will definitely read more. This book is the first of a trilogy of books featuring three brothers living in Alaska and the women they love. The Alaska setting appealed to me but the story makes the book. Against the Wild is Dylan Brodie and Lane Bishop's story. On the surface these two couldn't be more different. Lane is an interior decorator from LA who comes to Alaska to help Dylan renovate his 1930's fishing lodge. They met briefly at Dylan's cousin's wedding and felt an immediate mutual attraction. They both have baggage from former relationships. Dylan's wife left him and their young daughter behind three years before and Lane lost her fiance in a motorcycle accident. As the story develops and Dylan and Lane renovate and search for proof of haunting in the lodge they fall in love and Lane comes to love Emily, Dylan's daughter and Alaska. Dylan is sure Lane won't last but she proves him wrong. Great characters and a believable storyline and development make this a good read and I would highly recommend it.

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Loved it! Exciting, beautiful setting, some suspense - just right! Thanks, Goodreads!

Awesome! Loved it. Bring on the next BadAss Brodie

Easy summer read.

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