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Series: Abandoned At The Altar

by Author Laura Lee Guhrke


Trouble at the Wedding (2011)

This was at times fantastic, and at other times completely trite. I loved the heroine - she was independent, intelligent, and charismatic, without being annoying or meddlesome or a doormat. Her occasional Southernisms were charming and rarely annoying or "too much." (I do wish she didn't have t...

Trouble at the Wedding (2011) by Laura Lee Guhrke

L'esclandre (2013)

Annabel is a new money, nobody from Mississippi who is marrying a British Earl. Christian is a Duke, who needs money, and is offered a small fortune by Annabel's family to talk her out of marrying her fiance. He does talk to her and puts doubts in her head, but in the process falls in love with h...

L'esclandre (2013) by Laura Lee Guhrke

Campanadas de boda (2013)

Annabel grew up with not much money, but when her father lands a gold mine, but then dies suddenly she has a fortune in her possession. All Annabel has ever wanted for her life was to get married and have a family, and she has a chance to have a good life in England, to land a title and she knows...

Campanadas de boda (2013) by Laura Lee Guhrke

Il matrimonio dell'anno (2014)

Well, I picked this because I thought it had an interesting storyline but, really, it just went downhill pretty quickly after a few pages and didn't meet my expectations.It was ok, very predictable and boring, and didn't manage to really capture my interest (stupid characters, too). Did I mention...

Il matrimonio dell'anno (2014) by Laura Lee Guhrke

Le mariage de la saison (2013)

Um livro com uma história que nos consome do princípio ao fim, apenas para descobrirmos o seu desfecho.Há seis anos atrás Beatrix Danbury era uma mulher prestes a subir ao altar para se casar com William Sunderland. Porém um inevitável contratempo que punha na balança dois pesos pesados, ou o cas...

Le mariage de la saison (2013) by Laura Lee Guhrke

La Boda de la Temporada (2012)

Ce n’est pas une auteure dont j’ai apprécié les livres jusqu’ici. Je ne sais même plus pourquoi j’ai acheté celui-ci mais je ne regrette pas. Déjà, c’est agréable de lire une romance historique plus contemporaine que les habituelles victoriennes que je lis.Lady Beatrix a rompu avec William Mallor...

La Boda de la Temporada (2012) by Laura Lee Guhrke

O Casamento do Ano (2011)

J'aime bien l'auteure mais je n'ai pas réussi à rentrer dans l'histoire. Je comprend que ça décrit une réalité historique d'une génération coincée entre les duchés et la valeur de la propriété terrienne d'un côté et les voitures et la nécessité de se construire une existence individuelle de l'aut...

O Casamento do Ano (2011) by Laura Lee Guhrke

Wedding of the Season (2010)

3 STARS - I LIKED ITAUDIOBOOKThis historical romance is set around the turn of the century when cars were just starting to make an appearance but horse and carriage were still the primary source of travel. This was a well written book with a decent storyline and I enjoyed getting to know these c...

Wedding of the Season (2010) by Laura Lee Guhrke

Scandal of the Year (2011)

Scandal of The Year is the second book of Abandoned at the Altar series from Laura Lee Guhrke. Honeystly i wasn't interested to read this as i read reviews of the first book and its not promising. But i had time in hand and decided to skip the first book and to read this one. The story open with ...

Scandal of the Year (2011) by Laura Lee Guhrke

Lo scandalo dell'anno (2014)

Lady Yardley, Julia, is desperate for a divorce from an abusive husband and uses Aidan, Duke of Trathern, to get it. She is a wild woman of her time who smokes and drives her car too fast. He is an uptight Duke with two failed engagements on the market for a wife. They've known each other for yea...

Lo scandalo dell'anno (2014) by Laura Lee Guhrke

Le scandale de l'année (2013)

Bonita novela histórica de romance con unos personajes muy bien desarrollados que mantienen el pulso con sus diálogos ingeniosos, llenos de pullas y coqueteos. Narrativamente está perfectamente cuidada y consigue atraparnos en la época y la historia que se nos narra, con escenas bonitas y un tras...

Le scandale de l'année (2013) by Laura Lee Guhrke

El escándalo del año (2013)

La Guhrke è una delle poche autrici di romance storici che leggo ancora con piacere, che ancora regala storie diverse ed originali, come questa. La caratterizzazione di Julia era già vincente dal romanzo precedente, e in questo si conferma un personaggio nuovo, originale, fuori dagli schemi, eppu...

El escándalo del año (2013) by Laura Lee Guhrke