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Series: A Note In The Margin

by Author Isabelle Rowan


Twelve Days (2011)

4,5 starsThis was a nice follow-up to one of the most unique stories I've ever read and I loved to see David, John and Jamie again. It's Christmas time and the first Christmas together for John and David. For both men these days bring up memories that are difficult for them to deal with. Jamie is...

Twelve Days (2011) by Isabelle Rowan

A Note in the Margin (2009)

I can see why a lot of people love this book. The story itself is very interesting and quite different from the what's normally in m/m romance. But the execution is painful. The writing is extremely clunky and breaks up the story in random places. The constant POV switching is beyond distracting....

A Note in the Margin (2009) by Isabelle Rowan