I read this before the second book of the series. And I can say after reading all the reviews of Scarlet and The Queen’s Army, I have a different expectations upon reading this.First of all, I thought this was just a short side-track from the whole Lunar Chronicles plot. That maybe this novella will just provide a small insight on how the army had started from the eyes of a random guy taken form his family to be the new army of the bitch. But hey, I had already ready the reviews for this turns out, he was actually one of the main protagonist on the second book (I haven’t read the second book yet, on the time of this review)I fond Z endearing. You know, he was doing all of this just to cling to his humanity. When I found out that he was an important person on the second book, I was actually hoping that he will be the new possible love interest of Cinder. Oh God, I don’t like Kai. At all. I know it’s still to early to judge, but hey. He was douchy. When he judge Cinder and all on what the relationship they had formed changed when he learned that she was actually a cyborg, I HATED HIM. I really wished that Cinder will have someone on the following books. Ze'ev Kesley wird als Junge schon in die Armee der Königin von Luna berufen und in eine Kampfmaschine verwandelt. Teils Mensch, teils Wolf soll er die Königin verteidigen und einen Einsatz auf der Erde leiten. Doch er hat einen weiten Weg, um sich an die Spitze des Rudels zu kämpfen.Diese Kurzgeschichte ist eine Ergänzung zu den Luna-Chroniken und insbesondere zum zweiten Teil Wie Blut so rot. Hier wird uns Wolf näher vorgestellt und zwar sein Weg in die Armee der Königin und wie er es geschafft hat, seinen Rang im Rudel zu erhalten.Ich muss sagen, dass mir Wolf hier nicht so ganz sympathisch war, wie in Wie Blut so rot. Seine Teilnahmlosigkeit macht ihn manchmal zu einem stahlharten Kämpfer. Er setzt seine Ziele durch und geht hierfür auch nötigenfalls über Leichen.Da ich aber wusste, was aus ihm wird, kann ich hier großzügig drüber wegsehen.Es war interessant, sich mal auf Luna „aufzuhalten“ und die Lebensweise der Lunarier kennenzulernen.Auch hier ist das Ende darauf gemünzt, dass man sich problemlos im zweiten Band Wie Blut so rot wiederfindet.Es wird etwas aus dem Nähkästchen geplaudert, aber auch nicht zu viel verraten. Eben eine perfekte Ergänzung zu den Luna-Chroniken.Ich hoffe, dass die Autorin auch zu den zwei weiteren noch kommenden Bänden auch eine Kurzgeschichte herausbringt. So bekommt man dann doch einen weiteren kleinen Einblick in das Leben der Charaktere.Fazit:Kleine, aber feine Ergänzung.
Do You like book Die Armee Der Königin (2014)?
I read this before the second book of the series. And I can say after reading all the reviews of Scarlet and The Queen’s Army, I have a different expectations upon reading this.First of all, I thought this was just a short side-track from the whole Lunar Chronicles plot. That maybe this novella will just provide a small insight on how the army had started from the eyes of a random guy taken form his family to be the new army of the bitch. But hey, I had already ready the reviews for this turns out, he was actually one of the main protagonist on the second book (I haven’t read the second book yet, on the time of this review)I fond Z endearing. You know, he was doing all of this just to cling to his humanity. When I found out that he was an important person on the second book, I was actually hoping that he will be the new possible love interest of Cinder. Oh God, I don’t like Kai. At all. I know it’s still to early to judge, but hey. He was douchy. When he judge Cinder and all on what the relationship they had formed changed when he learned that she was actually a cyborg, I HATED HIM. I really wished that Cinder will have someone on the following books.
This work centers on the Big Bad Wolf, formerly known as Ze'ev or Z, and his journey to becoming a soldier for Queen Levana. We learn how he came to be a part of the queen's army and about his brother. Also, we get a little bit of information on the transformation process and how mind control powers are taken away if a subject is transformed into a full wolf; hence why Wolf is forever stuck in the in-between. This story was not as interesting as "Glitches," the prequel to Cinder, but gives us a little bit of insight into why the Big Bad Wolf really isn't that bad in "Scarlet."