Overall this was a good book. I really liked Jo and Cole. There sibling relationship is amazing. I love how much Jo loves Cole and would do anything for him. I also liked Malchom, even though we are not suppose to. He was a very nice boyfriend, even if they lacked chemistry. Now on to Cam. I really liked the chemistry between Cam and Jo, however, when he was a jerk, he was a JERK! (However, when he was romantic, he was romantic!) Also, Jo experience so much character development, and I felt like Cam was lacking in character development. This was a little disappointing, but I still enjoyed the book and am enjoying the series. This is a well-known series I have wanted to try for some time. I haven't yet read On Dublin Street, and I did feel I was missing out somewhat of the background of some of the characters, but it didn't hurt the story that much, honestly. If anything, it made me want to go back and read the first book. This book follows Jo. We learn about her horrible home life and we see her amazing connection with her 'wee brother,' who she has been raising as her own since their mother checked-out of life and checked-in to many bottles of gin. When we meet Jo in this book, she is dating Malcolm who she has feelings for and is hoping it will be a relationship that sticks. He has money and can provide her and her brother, Cole, monetary stability. The problem is, while she does care for Malcolm, his money is what is providing her the most comfort, rather than the man himself. Jo realizes that others see her as a gold-digger, but she only dates wealthy men she does care about even if she doesn't love them. The thing I liked about this aspect of the story is that while Jo did only date wealthy men (which I normally don't like to read), and she acknowledged she did start to date them for their money, she didn't stay with them if she didn't grow to care about them. Even though she would end up selling gifts she was given on eBay (which I found a bit smarmy), it is quite apparent she does not do things to effectively make her suitors buy her gifts or give her things; she only accepts gifts freely given to her. She further could use her boyfriend's as leverage to get better jobs or even to pad her savings account, but she simply does not do that. I found this to be quite endearing, for the most part, even if dating wealthy men for the financial security they may be able to offer long term kind of grossed me out. Malcolm seemed like a great guy, and I really did feel badly for him in this entire book. He seemed to really care for Jo, and while she cared for him, it wasn't passionate and all-consuming like Jo coveted between Joss and Braden. She simply did not feel she had the freedom to choose that type of relationship when she had her brother to care for.Enter Cameron MacCabe. Wow, he started out as a complete arse! The powerful first look between Jo and Cam aside, he immediately judged Jo and freely expressed his distaste and what he thought of her. Cam didnt shy away from sharing his negative thoughts of her on more than one occasion. Jo didn't really bother to correct Cam's impression of her, and when he finds out the truth, it really is a treat to see him back track and try to pull his head out of his bum. I wasn't a huge fan of how their relationship started. They both have abandonment/trust issues, and starting the way they did isn't the best way to start on honest footing, IMO. Additionally, I don't really feel the readers got to see much of Jo and Cam's relationship really solidify into more than raw lust and physical desire. Yes, there were a few really tender moments shared, but that happened before they were a couple. I don't know, I could see why Jo kept questioning whether what she and Cam has was real; especially when our blast from the past enters the scene. Honestly, the way Cam handled that was awful and so disrespectful to Jo. While I enjoyed this book, I feel like Cam almost became a secondary character. I honestly feel this story was more about Jo; not Jo and Cam. There were a few items about Cam that were sort of left dangling, as well as not that great of a resolution for Malcolm. I did enjoy that once Jo realized what she wanted, even if she might have doubted it from time to time, she really never swayed from that path. Her fortitude was no longer necessary; she was free to actually be happy and be true to herself which ultimately led to giving her brother everything she never had growing up. Looking forward to reading the rest of the series.
Do You like book Calle Londres (2013)?
Igual que en Calle Dublin, 3,5.Me paso lo mismo que con el libro anterior, ya que termina igual. En todos los finales va a terminar EL ofreciendole casamiento? enserio? creo que la caga un toque, sin casamiento soy feliz.La historia me gusto, basica, desde la primer hoja supe que el padre iba a aparecer y que la iba a golpear,nada original. Pero es un libro muy entretenido con conversaciones llevaderas y hasta comicas que se leen en poco tiempo. Es un libro tranquilo que recomiendo para leerlo luego de una lectura dura o larga.Con respecto a los personajes, me costo un poco mas de tiempo querer a Cam porque al principio era un hijo de puta, resulto ser un romantico y buen. Jo es un personaje que trata de ser fuerte y lo es, pero me molesta que aunque diga que estuvo con hombres por su personalidad ademas del dinero. Pero no importa los busco por el dinero. Me gusta la relacion que tienen los dos con Cole, como se hace cargo de su hermano y lo deja todo por el (nose si justifica lo de los hombres)Hasta la pagina 270 no me di cuenta que los personajes eran los del libro anterior (si, soy una idiota) pero la verdad no me acuerdo mucho del libro solo que era un poco mas rebuscada la relacion de Joss y Braden.Creo que voy a leer los otros libros que, supongo, va a ser de Olivia y Nate en calle Jamaica.
Actually awaited the second book in the series and wasn't disappointed. I really grew to like Johanna -- I wasn't sure how that was going to happen b/c I "believed" the common misconceptions about her just like everyone else. In some very basic ways, it reminded me of Pride and Prejudice b/c everyone had preconceived notions about Jo that were very wrong -- particularly Cameron -- very reminiscent of Darcy and Elisabeth. I liked the chemistry between Jo and Cam; I loved how Jo looked out for Cole and how Cam bonded with him. Some of my favorite scenes (in addition to the naughty ones between Jo and Cam) were the Sunday dinners at Elodie & Clark's house -- wish I could get an invite, too ;-) Seriously, looking forward to #3.