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Lunarmorte (2010)

Lunarmorte (2010)

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1843866560 (ISBN13: 9781843866565)
Vanguard Press

About book Lunarmorte (2010)

I have a hard time separating this book from others written by this author. I really enjoyed one of her series and find myself comparing this to it and finding it falling short.On its own, it's a pretty standard premise and one that the author has done in both of her other YA series--hybrid with untold powers destined to do great things. With it being set in a world of werewolves, witches, and vampires, it's not a particularly new take on the world, but it is done just fine.The characters are decent, but again lacking the depth that her other books shows. The heroine is all over the place, but not terribly different or unique from any other heroine. The hero is the usual broody type, but without any sort of explanation for his broodiness.The book is entertaining, but nothing terribly unique or stand out from any other YA paranormal romance. There were moments when the characters or plot would push in more compelling areas, but it just didn't quite push it far enough. It's hard, because I keep comparing it to her other books and it just doesn't stand up to them. This was a great read for me. I got through it in 2 and 1/4 days. It pulled me in from the beginning. I love Caia. I like how she was badass without the typical female barely feels emotions that most writers use. And Jaeden. I will positively continue to read for her. Lucien was back and forth. I felt like he should have been more mature for an alpha - but I also understand that he's only 24. He definitely messed up more than once. I was kinda pissed when it came to the alpha submission shit. That's partially why I don't read werewolf. But 10/10 would recommend. I will definitely will be reading the other books.

Do You like book Lunarmorte (2010)?

it was okay but i didnt really love it



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