This series revolves around Misao, a human who can see demons, and Kyo, a demon who wants to take Misao as his bride. The thing though is that if a demon were to drink Misao's blood they would have a long life, if they eat her flesh they would be granted eternal youth, and if they make her their bride their clan would have prosperity. So the big question was whether or not Kyo was trying to marry Misao because he loved her or just to benefit his own clan.I expected this situation to lead to misunderstandings and insecurities between the 2 characters for several volumes but this volume answers the question for both the reader AND Misao. It seems like the artist squandered a great opportunity for tension and plot twists by closing that plot thread so early on in the story. Although, not gonna lie, as an impatient reader I did like knowing the answer! I will also say that this volume showed me explicitly that this series is geared toward a slightly older audience that I thought it was. Scenes involved attempted rape and attempted murder. That's seems a bit hard core for a teen series...or maybe I just haven't read manga enough lately??Enjoying the series thus far...Taro, one of Kyo's 'vassals' is a ridiculously cute character that I am quickly coming to adore! Well, book two spent about half the chapters sort of re-hashing the plot of book 1, and once again the plot gets resolved really quickly. The mangaka obviously isn't that interested in whether Kyo is a good guy or a bad guy (relatively speaking)and his intentions toward Misao. Then she throws in Kyo's brother for a few chapters and then he's sidelined (sure to come back no doubt). I wonder how long this plot can realistically get dragged out?
Do You like book Black Bird 2 (2007)?
The smutty yet hilarious and compelling story continues. see vol 1 for longer review.