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Accidentally Married On Purpose (2014)

Accidentally Married on Purpose (2014)

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4.14 of 5 Votes: 2
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1622667867 (ISBN13: 9781622667864)
Entangled: Bliss

About book Accidentally Married On Purpose (2014)

Aaaah, the old fling that ends with a ring thing. One drunken night and boom, you’re married to a country music superstar, a good ol’ modern fariytale, er, that involves alcohol.Sure, the story is a bit thin, but the author makes it work. The characters are delightful, you’re actually rooting for them to make it. Awesome addition to the Love and Games series. I love when authors interconnect characters in a series, you meet them and then can’t wait until the author tells us their stories. Rachel Harris knows how to deliver characters who not only fall in love with each other, but who the readers fall for as well.I don’t know why they say What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, some things clearly follow you, and in some cases, that’s not a bad thing.A spunky, quirky romance that just makes you feel good reading it. This story is adorable. I love the how feisty the lead character Sherry is. She completely entertains me in this book. And Tyler Blue is one of the most adorable, heart-breaking characters I've come across. I love that he has such a deep back story that has completely formed who he is in present day in the book. Both characters are well-developed in a believable way that makes it hard to remember that they are fiction. I love their interactions and how well they seem to fit each other. I immensely enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend it for anyone looking for a sweet, heart-wrenching, I-have-to-finish-this-book-in-one-sitting kind of read.

Do You like book Accidentally Married On Purpose (2014)?

Set in Louisiana. Clean but with lots of lusty thoughts. Pretty standard romance with a good HEA.

Fun read and so sweet...fairy tales do come true...or at least in my dreams and books!

I loved this story. I wanted to dance in the rain!

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