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Rachel Harris

Rachel  Harris
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Books: 8 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.93

Books by Rachel Harris


Mé sladké šestnácté století (2013)

My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century is one of the lightest, quickest novels I've ever read. Though not what I usually look for in a book, I enjoyed the change and found it to be a fun pastime. I'd definitely say if you're looking for something super light and easy to read this summer (or even on a r...

Mé sladké šestnácté století (2013) by Rachel  Harris

Moje sladké šestnáste storočie (2013)

Imagine someone obsessing over Taylor Swift and watching all her music videos and then deciding to write a book mash up of „Love Story“ and „ You Belong with Me“. What´d be the result? Well, a sugar sweet, humorous, charming story about Cat Crawford, a daughter of Hollywood, who has some issues w...

Moje sladké šestnáste storočie (2013) by Rachel  Harris

My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century (2012)

Cat si myslí, že jej život už snáď ani nemôže byť horší. Jej mama, slávna herečka, ktorá ju opustila, strieda jedného partnera za druhým a je tak obľúbeným terčom bulvárnych plátkov. Jej otec, uznávaný hollywoodsky režisér sa zase chce druhýkrát oženiť, a to so ženou, ktorú Cat jednoducho nedokáž...

My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century (2012) by Rachel  Harris

Příběh dvou staletí (2014)

I thought this book was good BUT I wish it didn't revolve around so much romance. ): I like romance but not this much. I just can't believe she would ditch school with a boy she just met! I wish she didn't CHANGE so much in so little time too! She starts lying to her cousin, Cat about her and Aus...

Příběh dvou staletí (2014) by Rachel  Harris

Príbeh dvoch storočí (2014)

Wow!!! This novel was amazing, and Alessandra was such a cute heroine. She was more out of place than Cat in the first novel, but she was endearing. While I loved her and Austin's story, I was soooo happy Cat and Lucas ended up together too! My favorite part was definitely when they were research...

Príbeh dvoch storočí (2014) by Rachel  Harris

Seven Day Fiancé (2013)

Angelle Prejean needs a fake fiancé. Cane Robicheaux is interested in this red haired beauty. They agree to a temporary engagement. Now things heat up. Sparks fly when the good girl and the bad boy are together. They are falling in love, but what happens when their seven day arrangement ends? The...

Seven Day Fiancé (2013) by Rachel  Harris

Accidentally Married on Purpose (2014)

Aaaah, the old fling that ends with a ring thing. One drunken night and boom, you’re married to a country music superstar, a good ol’ modern fariytale, er, that involves alcohol.Sure, the story is a bit thin, but the author makes it work. The characters are delightful, you’re actually rooting for...

Accidentally Married on Purpose (2014) by Rachel  Harris

Můj ne tak sladký život (2000)

I have really enjoyed this series. It was the cover of the first Book, My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century that caught my eye and got me started and mind you, that doesn't happen often.This book revolves more about Cat and Lucas since they have not had their story yet. It's not just a story about th...

Můj ne tak sladký život (2000) by Rachel  Harris

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