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A Second Helping (2010)

A Second Helping (2010)

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4.22 of 5 Votes: 3
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0061547816 (ISBN13: 9780061547812)
William Morrow Paperbacks

About book A Second Helping (2010)

Jenkins takes us back to Henry Adams, Kansas. We see how the town progresses as well as the children and their foster parents. Leo, Bernadine's ex, shows up with the intention of winning Bernadine back. Ray, Crystal's father, comes to town to try and reunite with Crystal. This is an opportune time because, Nikki, Crystal' mom just passed. The Paynes are having some marital issues, and Preston is worried he may have to leave. Amari wants to become a real July,but there is a little more to it than he realizes. Jenkins takes us through all of this and more, as she continues this story. It is engaging, endearing, and worth the read. The follow up to "Bring on the Blessings" is a great read and I would have given it 4 stars had it not been for one thing.Way too much time is spent in the first half of the book summarizing what happened in the first book. That drives me crazy. I read the first book. I bought the second book so I could read on. I felt like I skimmed through the first half of the book. I almost feel like if I just wait for the last book in the series, I could save a lot of time and money by not having to read the first 3. Aside from that, I love the characters and their small town. As unrealistic as it may be, it's still an enjoyable, light read.

Do You like book A Second Helping (2010)?

I love the blessings novels, but not as much as I do Beverly Jenkins' historical romance novels.

People do come into your life for a reason , a season or a lifetime.

I loved this book! I am so excited to read the third one now!

Another winner. The children past is breaking my heart.

On to book 3 of 5. lol

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