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A Gentle Feuding (2002)

A Gentle Feuding (2002)

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3.91 of 5 Votes: 2
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0380871556 (ISBN13: 9780380871551)

About book A Gentle Feuding (2002)

It's been years since I've read Johanna Lindsey. 8th grade, maybe? High schoolish? (So we're talking 1989-1993.) Now, having picked up A Gentle Feuding, I remember why I read JL back in the day with such speed and future lack of retention about any of the plots: Lindsey's style is very simplistic/pedestrian with the bonus of big print.As for this one in particular? Eminently forgettable in terms of characters (of which there are too many), plot (BIG Misunderstanding + eternal bickering), and historical detail (There's plaid! And castles! And feuding! And a persistent brogue! What else do you need for "Scotland"?) By the time I finish my next book in the TBR, I'm sure I'll have forgotten most of what happened in this one.The plot, what there is of it, is the same old-same old Hatfields and McCoys in Scotland storyline. Boy and girl are from opposite families, there's some raids that happen, boy and girl hate/love each other, and think they're freakin' mind readers of the other. It's 300+ pages of deliberate miscommunication, "pride" leading to idiocy, with the added blah of barely enough sizzle to toast the tootsies of a newborn kitten. (Did I ever think that JL's stuff was sexy? I don't remember that either.)I'm finding it hard to work up much enthusiasm for this book. It was an OK read: nothing special, with much to get annoyed by. There were no artful turns of phrase, even of the purple variety, that caught my eye. Scenes are blown through with the spastic bustle of a tour guide on meth, and the information in conversations sometimes barely deviates from scene to scene if a certain matter is being revisited. Quite a few scenes prompted a "Didn't I just read this?" reaction. Lots of words about very little. The bulk of the plot was Sheena not wanting to tell Jamie she was from the enemy clan because she's scared of his nasty reputation for brutality, and Jamie keeping shit under his belt for one reason or another. Ta dah, the Big Misunderstanding over and over.I don't mind a bit of miscommunication since it's inevitable in romance, but when there is precious little else to fill out the story, a light and fast read can suddenly become a chore, and nae mistake! (How many times was that little phrase said by, oh, pretty much everybody?)It's great to re-read some of these oldies from my youth and realize that what I used to think were bodice rippers really aren't anything of the kind. Granted, this is the only Lindsey I've read in this Bodice Ripper Phase 2010, but I'm not getting much of a bodice ripping vibe from JL.Bottom line: Safely written, predictable, with a couple unimaginative sex scenes.Best part: That cover by Robert McGinnis.

Saya tak tahu ada apa dengan Johanna dan laki laki cantik. Tapi kenapa 3 book dia yang saya beli semua ceritanya sama ?!! Dan tokohnya berwajah 'jelita'. Maksud saya begini, ini highlander kan ?! Selig si Viking, Jamie si Highlander, dan satunya lagi yang belom saya baca, dari sinopsisnya berbau sama juga. Semuanya cowok cantik :'( Bayangan saya kalo soal Highlander itu mau yang wajahnya kasar dan gak tampan, tapi gahar gitu .... Nah minimal kayak gambar di atas... Bayangin cowok dengan otot kekar dan tubuh besar tapi wajah rupawan itu ....Jujur saya gak suka namanyanya yang kesannya kewanita wanitaan, dan lenyeh ... Jamie?! Please gak ada nama yang lebih macho kah?? Bahkan Sheena, nama Heroinenya, terdengar lebih 'cowok' Dan lagi, ada apa dengan wanita tomboy yang suka menyamar jadi laki laki?! Sumpah semua bukunya JL sama. Heroinenya begitu, cantik minta ampun tapi suka dandan ala keleleki lakian, halah.... Tapi sebagai sosok yang tomboy sejak kecil, Sheena ini cengeng banget. Penakut. Tapi kontras banget sama sikapnya yang sok atur dan suka marah marah seenak jidat. GAK SUKA BANGET!!INSTA LOVE --> Cek SUPER GANTENG HERO DAN SUPER CANTIK HEROINE --> CEK HEROINE TOMBOY --> CEKHERO YANG PUNYA MISTRESS DAN SLEEPING AROUND TAPI SETELAH KETEMU HEROINENYA YANG SUPER CANTIK LALU TOBAT --> CEK SAINGAN YG NYEBELIN DAN BERASA MAU LEMPAR SEPATU --> CEK KELUARGA YANG ANNOYING DAN MUSUH DALAM SELIMUT --> CEK SALAH PAHAM --> CEK HEA --> CEK CEK CEK Please deh untuk orang yang punya masa lalu pernikahan tak menyenangkan karena istrimu bunuh diri di malam pernikahanmu itu bukan berarti kamu harus 'mencoba' semua wanita sebelum kamu nikahi hanya untuk memastikan mereka gak mati kutu saat malam pertama. Gak logis banget, bilang aja doyan dan mau icip icip sebelom beli. Tapi tuan Jamie yang terhormat, Virginitas wanita itu gak sperti display yang ada di toko kue buat diincip incip terus bisa di refill gitu... BODO!! Dan lagi, gak sukanya Insta love itu, sebenernya karena mereka gak bener bener LOVE. Itu LUST tapi mengatasnamakan cinta buat membenarkan tindakanya... Kapan sih aku gak nemu JL yang selalu mengatas namakan cinta, tapi selalu mau uang muka, alias having sex sebelum nikah. Dan alasan cinta buat embel embelnya... Gak ada... Hanya Sex, just sex ...FORMULANYA SAMA SEMUA BUKU JL ...Julia Garwood juga gitu, tapi kenapa jatohnya beda ya? bedaaa banget !!! Yah mungkin saya ya yang terlalu dreamer, dan gak suka jenis book begini...Saya mau yang ada ceritanya, bukan cinta kilat ...

Do You like book A Gentle Feuding (2002)?

The beginning was good. There were two feuding clans and a third party who tried to use their feud for its own advantage. I was so excited because there was everything for a great historical romance - a lovely but stubborn lady, a hero with the dark past, hatred between families, beautiful location and some really interesting side characters. And then everything started to fall apart. Sheena and Jaimie both behaved like brats and interesting characters were pushed to the background. Somewhere in the middle of the book between the never ending fights I got so bored I thought about moving the book to "didn't finish" shelf. Because I needed the book for my challenge,I forced myself to finish it. I honestly admit I couldn't fully understand why this third party killed MacKinnions and lit their houses but the explanation for the original feud was interesting. Crazy but interesting.

Good Scottish Historical With Strong HeroineI have read several of Johanna Lindsey's romances (see my other reviews) and found that she is inconsistent which is too bad as she is capable of 5 star novels. Some of hers are quite wonderful (like Hearts Aflame to which I gave 5 stars) and others (like Defy Not The Heart to which I gave 3 stars) are disappointing at best. I think this story of two feuding clans was a good one. Though I have not given it 5 stars, it held my interest and I enjoyed it and the two main characters. It is set in mid 16th century Scotland at a time of feuding clans that steal each other's cattle and engage in battle (and worse). The MacKinnions and the Fergusson clans are no exception.Jamie MacKinnion, a handsome and powerful laird in his mid 20s had a bad experience with a first arranged marriage, the bride committing suicide before the marriage could be consummated because she was so afraid of a man's touch. Thus he has no plans to marry and is enjoying a full menu of mistresses. He has said that if he ever does marry again, he'll be trying the bride first. Sheena Fergusson is the oldest and favorite daughter of her father, the Laird of Clan Fergusson. Unlike her sisters, she is beautiful with her long dark red hair and dark blue eyes and has been turning away suitors by the droves. Raised for many years as a son would be, she can hunt and ride like a man and she enjoys bathing in the nude in a pond where Jamie observes her not knowing who she is. Her father is determined it is time she wed. Through a series of events, he considers wedding her to Jamie to end their long feud. But Sheena will have none of it and she fears the MacKinnion from all she's heard about him.Unlike some reviewers, I really liked Sheena (I'm thinking it's pronounced "she-ah-nah" in Gaelic). She was both interesting and consistently strong and while she could be reasoned with, she did not fold like a wet noodle as some heroines do (a pet peeve of mine). I also thought Lindsey did a good job of presenting the historical setting and language of the time. It was authentic and the dialog realistic. The pace was good and the story did not lull in the middle. It reminded me of what love is like between two strong willed people who love each other desperately--and it's not a "gentle" feuding at times. You'll enjoy this one!
—Regan Walker

Sheena Ferguson is the oldest daughter in the Ferguson clan. she is the most beautiful and most beloved by her father. She refuses to marry unless she is in love with the man. Her father wants her to marry as her sisters in line are spoken for and they want to get married. Jamie MacKinnion is the laird of the MacKinnion clan and is rumored to be a brute of a man with a terrible temper. It is said that his first wife killed herself because of him. The Furguson's and MacKinnions have been feuding for many years. Sheena has a great fear of this man so when she finds herself being kidnapped by Jamie's brother Colen and is held in the castle of the MacKinnions, she needs to find a way to escape. Both brothers fall for her beauty and want her as their own. Jamies' touch gives her chills of fear and fire. I just loved this story! I always enjoy her books. I loved the suspense, romance and the strong characters. You get to really know the characters as she describes them. I love a strong, independent, female character, and wasn't let down a bit. There were times you didn't know who the good guys were from the bad guys. The ending was precious. Wonderful book!!

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