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Lauren Royal

Lauren Royal
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Books: 7 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.49

Books by Lauren Royal


Amethyst (2014)

Questo libro è stato infinito. Non so se è perchè è il primo libro che leggo in ebook o perchè il libro è effettivamente lunghissimo. Finchè non si arriva alla metà la storia non si smuove.Amy è un'orafa che perde tutto nell'incendio che invade parte di Londra e Colin Chase la salva...e fino a me...

Amethyst (2014) by Lauren Royal

Lost in Temptation (Sweet Temptations, #1) (2005)

This book kept me reading even when I wanted to smack Tristan in the back of the head for his self-pitying martyr act. I loved Alexandra! Her stubborn refusal to give up on proving Tris's innocence while he pouted like a petulant child had me rolling my eyes more than once but I liked her entire ...

Lost in Temptation (Sweet Temptations, #1) (2005) by Lauren Royal

Lost in Temptation (2014)

I really enjoyed this book. The romance in it was there but it wasn't overbearing and the humor from the other characters had me laughing. The "bad guy" (or one of them, rather) in it was a bit obvious once you got to a certain point but the writing was well done and it was easily overlooked. I s...

Lost in Temptation (2014) by Lauren Royal

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