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James Hankins

James  Hankins
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Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.72

Books by James Hankins


Pouta (2014)

Charlie Beckham, riddled by his reporter brother Jake's mysterious disappearance thirteen years ago, becomes a lawyer with a single aim - to find his missing brother, preferably alive. After years of searching, he finds about a clue left behind by his brother which will solve this mystery. But he...

Pouta (2014) by James  Hankins

Brothers and Bones (2012)

Rarely have I read a book like this. It was the best one in the thriller genre that I have read in over a year. It started weak and I was willing to give it a chance and it didn't take long before the pull started! Pulled me in slow and intense until the end without letting go. The best part was ...

Brothers and Bones (2012) by James  Hankins

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