I started off thinking this was quite interesting but no more so than a million other people's lives and how if celebrities weren't celebrities they certainly wouldn't be authors. And then, driving to work, she had me in tears- and I appreciated her honesty, and then I heard she's had a mammoth a...
Funny , cosy story Unusually for me I was unable to finish this book. The characters just weren't credible.
Hilarious and addictive. Took a while to get into this book, but by the time I hit 100 pages I was gripped. Would recommend !
I'll be completely honest, I haven't actually read the whole of this book, in fact I don't think I got further than the first couple of chapters. There are very few books that I've started and given up on.I've always liked Dawn French so I naturally assumed I would enjoy reading her first literar...
Ci troviamo in un piccolo sobborgo inglese, dove tutti si conoscono e l'itinerario casa-lavoro-casa si potrebbe fare guidando ad occhi chiusi. Qui vive la famiglia Battles di cui scopriremo la vita raccontata da tre dei quattro membri. La storia è un diario a sei mani, in cui si danno il cambio M...
I'm a little surprised that this book doesn't seem to be more loved. I thought it was... a tiny bit marvellous, actually. I will say, though, that if I hadn't been listening to it as an audiobook (read by Dawn French, actually) I don't think I would have enjoyed it nearly so much. She didn't even...
Do poslední chvíle jsem váhala mezi 2 a 3*.Některé části jsou lepší, některé horší.Anotace mi přišla zajímavá a první tři kapitoly, které jakoby uvedly tři vypravěče, mě oslovily odlišností jednotlivých hlasů.Příběh ale jako takový trochu stagnoval, vypravěči byly někdy (často) na zabití a kniha ...