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David Wiesner

David Wiesner
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Books: 6 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.03

Books by David Wiesner


Art & Max (2010)

Arthur knows how to paint, and is he is ready to share his wisdom with Max, who is not such a great painter (despite what he thinks). Max has a lot to learn and is he very eager to learn and is just willing to dive right in. When Arthur tells Max to paint him, he physical paints him instead of th...

Art & Max (2010) by David Wiesner

Sr. Minino (2014)

Have you ever wondered what a microscopic world looks like? Well so has David Wisener. In his story Mr. Wuffles, Wisner opens up a microscopic world to his viewers through the eyes of an unlikely character, his cat. In this wordless piece of scientific fiction, Wisner takes us on a journey which ...

Sr. Minino (2014) by David Wiesner

Mr. Wuffles! (2013)

This a Caldecott book written by David Wiesner. A nearly wordless picture book, Mr. Wuffles follows the escapades of a group of aliens who are trying to repair their ship which has been damaged by the title character, a black cat. They are aided by other creatures who have been tormented by Mr. W...

Mr. Wuffles! (2013) by David Wiesner

Art and Max (2011)

Would complement an art unit on line/color/etc. This book was not what I expected. It was so creative. The art (illustrations) is fantastic!

Art and Max (2011) by David Wiesner

Art y Max (2011)

This book is absolutely fantastic! The colours and illustrations are lively and exciting. David Wiesner never ceases to impress.Art & Max is the story of two lizard friends, Arthur, who is an experienced painter and artist and Max who is just learning to become an artist. The story explores Max...

Art y Max (2011) by David Wiesner

Max Et Son Art (2011)

such a cute book about drawing. Great book! I had no idea what to expect.

Max Et Son Art (2011) by David Wiesner

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