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Zamba: The True Story Of The Greatest Lion That Ever Lived (2005)

Zamba: The True Story of the Greatest Lion That Ever Lived (2005)

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0060761326 (ISBN13: 9780060761325)

About book Zamba: The True Story Of The Greatest Lion That Ever Lived (2005)

Zamba-A True Story of The Greatest Lion That Ever Lived by Ralph Hefler, is one of the most interesting books that I have ever read because of its incredibly touching story line, the messages that emerge from the book, and the novel is also full of emotional adventure. This book gives an excellent insight of why it is extremely important to train animals based on "love not fear" which is referred to as "affection training"- a term Ralph Hefler created and demonstrated. This is one of the main themes of the book and Ralph Hefler finds this concept important to improving the communication between humans and wild animals.This touching true story is about a man, Ralph Hefler, who had a shocking experience, where he was a stunt double on a movie with a lion; the lion attacked Ralph and bit a hole through his wrist! Unlike any other person, Ralph was not completely traumatized by this encounter, but saw it as a opportunity to prevent this from happening to other people.After this event Ralph took his love for animals to a whole new level...he became an animal behaviorist. He tried to convince people that if an animal is loved it will react better with humans...however if the animal is disciplined through fear it is more likely to "revolt" against its master or owner. To prove his theory Ralph adopted a two month old lion cub, Zamba, and raised him. Zamba became an incredibly well trained lion and was soon a celebrity staring in numerous movies...not harming anyone.Thsi book portrays the story of an incredible bong between lion and man and it is full of all the good and bad memories that Ralph and Zamba have had together. I strongly recommend this novel to all who have a passionate love for animals. By Kayla

Buku ini berdasarkan kisah nyata penulisnya. Kisah tentang singa yang diperlakukan dengan kasih sayang oleh pemiliknya, Ralph Helfer seorang animal behaviourist, sehingga menjadi singa yang jinak dan sangat bersahabat dengan manusia.Zamba, nama singa itu, didapatkan Ralph dari seorang teman lamanya pada umur dua bulan setelah ditemukan sekarat di pinggir sungai di Afrika. Ralph Helfer yang sangat ingin membuktikan teorinya tentang pendidikan dengan kasih sayang terhadap binatang merasa lewat Zamba-lah dia dapat membuktikannya.Kecintaan Ralph dan perlakuannya yang penuh kasih sayang pada Zamba membuat kedua mahluk itu sangat dekat bahkan bisa dibilang dapat saling mengerti. Di sebuah cerita bahkan dikatakan bahwa Zamba kehilangan semangat dan nafsu makannya setelah dibentak dengan kata-kata kasar oleh Ralph.Buku ini bagus banget tapi yang paling kusuka justru bagian awal-awal yaitu cerita Ralph dan pandangan dia terhadap pelatih-pelatih binatang dengan rasa takut. Aku memang suka dengan "new paradigm". Berhubung aku sangat visual jadi berkali-kali agak kesulitan untuk membayangkan bagaimana besarnya Zamba, keadaan peternakan setelah badai salju, atau setelah diterpa banjir terbesar di daerah itu dan lain-lain hanya dengan kata-kata, mesti lihat fotonya baru puas.Pokoknya aku sangat menganjurkan untuk membaca buku ini. Membuat kita semakin cinta dengan binatang, bikin aku pengen ke Afrika!! Karena cara kita memperilakukan binatang mencerminkan cara kita berperilaku dengan orang lain.

Do You like book Zamba: The True Story Of The Greatest Lion That Ever Lived (2005)?

I am more than a little disappointed by this book. I've slowly read my way through all the stories of Africa USA over the years (it would not be a stretch to say I am a zookeeper today because of Helfer's wife's book!), and I've loved them all along. Perhaps that is part of the problem with this book -- there's not really anything new here, just a retelling of the same story (unlike the others which had largely new material in each). Being involved in the exotic industry myself now for several years, perhaps a little too much cynicism on my part has slipped in as well. This book read like so many other ego-gushing, self-back-patting animal trainer books. Helfer did some amazing work, certainly, but seriously, he was not the first to figure out that you get more accomplished with animals through affection/trust/respect than through fear/cruelty/domination. He's also just one of many who claim to be the first to do so. This is a beautiful story, but it gets bogged down by Helfer's constant trumpeting of his own greatness. Having read a very different account of the end of Zamba's life elsewhere (as well as a very different portrait of Helfer himself), it really makes me curious as to how much is really "true" in this story. But as with all tall tales, perhaps that really isn't the point. Zamba, Modoc, and all the other animals at Africa USA do speak to an incredible bond between animal and trainer. This particular telling simply lacks the usual magic.

This is the true story of a lion who was raised from a cub and lived his entire life with Ralph Heller, his owner. He starred in movies and TV shows, but he also slept on the bed (one specially made to accommodate both lion and human) and rode int he car (a convertible, resulting in head-turning!)This book was an enjoyable and easy read, and surprisingly good considering Heller's first book, Modoc, about an elephant, was not nearly as interesting. I think the difference is that in Zamba he is writing from his own experience, and in Modoc he is telling someone else's story. He is best served to stick with his own experience as he tells it far better.If you are interested in lions, or just animals, I highly recommend this as a nice read. It was interesting to see how Zamba behaved in different situations, and it's clear to see that Heller was a compassionate animal handler in Hollywood who put the welfare of the animals first in an era when many other did not.

I loved his book. I really enjoyed the tale of ralph helfer and zamba. The book is very heartwarming. Zamba is about an animal trainer, Ralph Helfer, training a 4 month old lion cub. Ralph Helfer has his theories on how to train animals. Ralph uses the “affection training” method. What that means is that he used love and affection to help animals. So this method works because its better than being afraid of the animals and the animals being afraid of us. So pretty much this book is about a warmhearted tale of love between two species. After 18 years of training Zamba, she was a star in numerous motion pictures and television shows. The rest of the book is about the adventures of Zamba and Ralph.
—Sally Nguyen

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