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Ralph Helfer

Ralph Helfer
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Books by Ralph Helfer


Zamba: The True Story of the Greatest Lion That Ever Lived (2005)

Zamba-A True Story of The Greatest Lion That Ever Lived by Ralph Hefler, is one of the most interesting books that I have ever read because of its incredibly touching story line, the messages that emerge from the book, and the novel is also full of emotional adventure. This book gives an excelle...

Zamba: The True Story of the Greatest Lion That Ever Lived (2005) by Ralph Helfer

Modoc: The True Story of the Greatest Elephant That Ever Lived (1998)

Story Description:Modoc is the joint biography of a man and an elephant born in a small German circus town on the same day in 1896. Bram was the son of an elephant trainer, Modoc the daughter of his prize performer. The boy and animal grew up devoted to each other. When the Wunderzircus was sold ...

Modoc: The True Story of the Greatest Elephant That Ever Lived (1998) by Ralph Helfer

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