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Without A Trace (1996)

Without A Trace (1996)

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1551660598 (ISBN13: 9781551660592)
mira books

About book Without A Trace (1996)

Originally published at O’Hurley is burnt out and wants nothing more than being left alone with a bottle of whiskey and his own company. Gillian Fitzpatrick has come looking for Trace in desperation, knowing he is the only one who can help her.This is a great book by Nora Roberts, it is the fourth in the O’Hurley series and while I had not read any previously, I did not feel it affected the story at all. Trace is disillusioned and grumpy, but something about him is so very lovable – not a masculine name though! Gillian is smart, sassy and seemingly not afraid of anything. The story revolves around a super secret scientific project which could change the shape of war and Gillian is one of the scientists, along with her kidnapped brother, who developed it.Trace has his hands full trying to find her brother and niece, stopping the terrorists from getting to Gillian and trying to persuade her she should get as far away from him as possible. Of course the latter was never going to happen. There is plenty of action and suspense, along with the romance I have come to expect from the author. All of it combined to make an excellent story, although some aspects of the plot are a bit far fetched.Trace also has issues with his family which are explained in the prologue and I suspect is referred to in other books of the series, so we also had these issues being explored which added another dimension to the plot.Overall this is a fast paced romantic thriller which I did not want to put down and managed to read in one sitting.

Trace O'Hurley has been away from his family for a long time, moving from place to place and working as a spy for the government, Trace has seen his fair share of the horrors of life, but when Gillian Fitzpatrick walks into a little cantina in Mexico to ask for his help to save her brother and his daughter, Trace is lost. Finding Gillian's family is going to take every one of the skills he's developed over the years. As a scientist, Gillian has spent most of her life in laboratories, but meeting Trace and traveling around the middle east in search of her brother opens her eyes to the possibilities of love and acceptance of who she is.Once Gillian has accepted her feelings for Trace, she knows that she has to get him back to his family so he can mend his relationship with his father before it's too late. Having all the O'Hurleys together will bring a tear to your eye and a gladness to your heart. This is a special family that will stick with you long after you finish the story.

Do You like book Without A Trace (1996)?

Dari keempat Hurleys, hanya Trace yg arah karirnya melenceng jauh, bukan di showbiz tp malah jd mata2/intelijen, tp jgn salah sbg mata2 bakat akting ternyata sangat berguna. Spt biasa yang menyebalkan adalah penjahat aka terorisnya org arab/middle east, mungkin krn ini novel lama, kalo tdk bisa jadi org rusia/eropa timur atau al qaida, steorotip banget.Lumayan seru jg petualangan Trace dlm mencari kakak & keponakan Gillian yg disandera. Love story-nya lebih bagus dr buku 2 & 3. Jd 3,6 stars
—Ayu Wirdha

Trace não chegou a ser o melhor livro da série. Acho que o primeiro e o segundo foram melhores, mas foi um bom livro.Apesar de apresentar uma trama típica dos anos 80, com espionagem e guerra fria, a historia se inseriu perfeitamente nos dias atuais com os terroristas árabes e os malucos religiosos que querem explodir o mundo. Não fosse pela falta de telefone celular, gps e demais tranqueiras tecnológicas, a historia podia se passar tranquilamente e na nossa época. HahahhaQuanto ao casal, a química dos dois é muito boa. A mocinha é enxerida, mas não é lesada, e o Trace é um grosseirão mas tem lá suas razões para dar patadas (a mocinha enche o saco dele).No geral o livro cumpre o que promete e ainda tem o brindezinho da reunião da família O'Hurley que sempre é garantia de bons momentos!

The final book in the O'Hurley saga features Trace, elder brother to the triplets, and prodigal son. Trace has not been seen since he escaped the musical touring lifestyle after a showdown with his father about what each wanted from Trace's life. Turns out he's been working for the ISS as an intelligence agent. He's tracked down while on vacation in Mexico by Dr Gillian Fitzpatrick who wants Trace to rescue her brother and his daughter from a terrorist group. Trace reluctantly agrees to take this job and the pair go trotting around the globe in order to locate and rescue her family. Roberts proves early in her career that she can write more than just amazingly tender and poignant love stories, and she doesn't let the love story suffer in favor of action and espionage. An impressive work with a beautiful ending.

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