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Dance To The Piper (1994)

Dance to the Piper (1994)

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1551660075 (ISBN13: 9781551660073)

About book Dance To The Piper (1994) to you by guest reviewer Jesse J.Life on Broadyway is all she ever wanted, until she met Reed. Maddy O’ Hurley is a dreamer with raw talent, who is kind and famous. Brought and raised into the world by two performers, she is quite content with her life. While being mugged, she meets the sexiest, most intriguing man, Reed Valentine. Unaware of his cynicism and past betrayals Maddy pursues the man who is financially backing the play in which she stars as a stripper. Although Reed doesn’t usually go for the energetic spur of the moment kind of girl, something about Maddy O’Hurley captures his attention. Organized and level headed, Reed has no idea the storm he is in for.To begin, the story was a very original boy meets girl. Although Roberts tells it well, I was expecting something more. Maddy is beautiful, young, fit and famous. I would have liked some more flaws in her so I could relate more. I am not a dancer, so it was a little difficult for me to empathize than usual. I absolutely love that Maddy is portrayed as a sweet gentle soul. Even when she was being mugged she was trying to reason with the teen for trying to steal sweaty shoes. Although she can afford to live in a “higher” class part of town, she chooses to remain in a beat up building filled with gypsies. Reed Valentine on the other hand, is quite the opposite. Very classy suit and tie kind of guy. Although he is wealthy, he is still kind. A little further into the story he becomes quite a jerk. Very on and off. His reasoning for that isn’t revealed until the last few chapters. I just don’t have an appreciation for people who stereotype. Just because one woman did you wrong doesn’t mean that you close your heart to love, or try to fight your true feelings. Hence the saying “ Old and Cynical”. Deep down, no one wants to be alone.Overall I felt that the story could have had more development and surprises, but it wasn’t a terrible read. I especially look forward to reading about Maddy’s older brother who travels the world. He seems adventurous and very interesting

Dit boek gaat over een drieling, die bestaat uit drie zeer verschillende zussen en hun oudere broer. Hun ouders zijn artiesten en zijzelf zijn ook opgegroeid als artiesten. Een van de zussen heeft een slecht huwelijk achter de rug met een heel bekende autocoureur die zich heeft doodgereden. Een journalist komt bij haar voor informatie over een biografie van die coureur. drie keer raden wat er gebeurt. Een andere zus speelt op Boadway in een musical die wordt gefinanciert door een erg rijke en keurige heer. drie keer raden wat er gebeurt. De derde zus is een Hollywoodster en heeft last van een stalker. Ze huurt een bodyguard in. Drie keer raden wat er gebeurt. Tot slot hun oudste broer. Hij heeft gebroken met zijn vader en is een geheim agent geworden. Hij is op vakantie na een dramatisch verlopen missie, als een wetenschapster hem opzoekt en hem vraagt haar broer te bevrijden uit handen van een terreurorganisatie. Drie keer raden wat er gebeurt.Het zijn echt niet de verhalen, maar de personages die het hem doen. Heerlijk gewoon.

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Maddy O'Hurley is a star even if she doesn't act like it. Her name is in lights, she draws crowds to all her performances, but she is always open to more. Reed Valentine just might be that more that she is looking for. He is a no nonsense business man who always has a plan and a contract to fulfil. What he doesn't realize is that the best contract may not be as easy as all that.Book 2..... This is a fun and light hearted story, the personal interaction between Maddy and Reed are laugh out loud funny and so enjoyable. The story line is a predictable one, tender and at times sexy, but I had to keep going because of how much fun Maddy O'Hurley made it for everyone. Overall, an average story told in a playful way, thanks Nora Roberts for bringing some new life to the same old story.

Gostei da Maddy, ela é porreta!! E confesso que estava com medo de ler o livro, pois das 3 irmãs ela me pareceu a mais desinteressante. Ledo engano... Ela pode até parecer meio bobinha, mas é só aparência. A mulher tem uma tenacidade de ferro!Maddy é uma atriz de musicais, e esta ensaiando para uma nova peça, quando é assaltada e conhece Reed Valentine ao mesmo tempo. Ele vê aquela moça magrinha disputando uma mochila com um assaltante e corre em seu socorro, não que precisasse, mas sabe como é... Maddy fica encantada com o seu salvador e o convida para um jantar em sua casa e os dois começam um relacionamento meio aos trancos e barrancos. Ela quer namoro, romantismo e quem sabe casar e ter filhos e o Reed que apenas um caso sem consequências. E quando as coisas ficam mais sérias ele apavora e sai correndo, ou faz propostas idiotas de "contratos".Bom, Maddy sabe muito bem o quer para a sua vida e não se contenta com menos do que ela acredita que mereça. Ela quer um homem carinhoso que seja o seu marido, filhos, trabalhar na Broadway e ser respeitada. E se o Reed não concorda com isso, ela vai um jeito de enfiar juízo na cabeça dele, nem que seja à força (mas com jeitinho)!! Garota valente essa Maddy! Adorei o jeito dela de resolver as coisas.

Setting: rehearsal stage on Broadway, New York; her village apartment; his downtown apartment and office overlooking New York streets (and central park); Theatre in Philadelphia;Theme: dance; passion – for one’s calling,, and for another; forgiveness/acceptance of past hurts; falling in love;Imagery – Potted plant - in her apartment is a plant that does not look good – yellowing leaves, droopy – and he comments that she is overwatering it, and that it just needs care and balance… she drops by hi

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