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Winter's Child (2009)

Winter's Child (2009)

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3.56 of 5 Votes: 3
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1416975608 (ISBN13: 9781416975601)
Simon Pulse

About book Winter's Child (2009)

I always come away from Cameron Dokey's fairy tale retellings with mixed feelings. She knows how to put a creative spin on her stories, but some parts always fall flat. In this case, the ending just didn't do it for me. The romantic resolution wasn't what I what have preferred, but I could live with that. It was more that some of the explanations didn't entirely make sense to me and felt sort of rushed. I loved the fairy tale beginning, though, and the concept behind the Winter Child. I was super disappointed of how this ended. I immediately fell in love with the story and how the Winter Child came to be and I became very attached to Kai and Grace, but the end was a major disappoint. The story really misleads you when you have high hopes for Grace when she goes on her journey as she starts to figure out who she is and what she wants. Ugh, it really bothered me but I also give it kudos. I would have switched the roles of the character's relationship at the end of the story. It was not very satisfying.

Do You like book Winter's Child (2009)?

An interesting fairytale. Even though it ends in a satisfying manner, the way there is unexpected.

Never really understood the story this derives from. So I couldn't really make connections.

2,5 stars

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