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Why She Buys: The New Strategy For Reaching The World's Most Powerful Consumers (2009)

Why She Buys: The New Strategy for Reaching the World's Most Powerful Consumers (2009)

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0307450384 (ISBN13: 9780307450388)
Crown Business

About book Why She Buys: The New Strategy For Reaching The World's Most Powerful Consumers (2009)

While there are mountains of research done every year segmenting consumers and analysing why they buy, more often than not it doesn't factor in the one piece of information that trumps them all: the sex of the buyer. In her crusade to teach marketers to become female-literate, Brennan offers very practical advice, urging readers to think twice before using overtly masculine competitive messages, to avoid violent images and language, and to realise that women, focused on practicality rather than cool bells and whistles, require fairly sophisticated marketing: pink is not a strategy, she reminds us tartly. Read for book club.A very interesting study of why women purchase what they purchase, what they expect out of a consumer experience, and what marketing appeals to them.Lots of spot-on insights, and it made for good discussion material.Even gave me some ideas about how to make the library more appealing to women - provide Moms with book selection service or anyone with personalized book suggestions - like give us three books you liked, three days, and we'll have three more books sitting on our holds shelf waiting for you . . . just some possibilities . . .

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recommended for anyone working in sales and/or marketing - especially if you are male...

Great read! I recommend to anyone with an interest in marketing to women.

Recommended by Dani

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