m/mJordan has been told by his therapist to either have weekends off or prepare to die young. Unable to meet someone who he can make a connection with, he decides to hire a male prostitute. He never expected to see the focus of his long held crush again.I've been spoiled. My last group of books have all been enjoyable and high-rated. I cannot rate this short story very high at all. One of the things that annoys me is the use of frequent flashbacks, whether in books, movies or television shows. This story is chock full of them. As another reviewer mentioned, I found myself fast flipping through the e-version. I just didn't connect with the characters nor did I feel eager to see the two men hook up. 3 out of 5. Loved the opening - the background between Gabe and Jordan, the accidental reconnect, the initial hot sex. However, Jordan wimped out by not going back to Gabe and fixing his mistake. Jordan was the one who needed to make amends. Especially after he figured out how Gabe felt about him.Gabe had nothing to apologize for - he should not have been the one to step up and make it easy for Jordan. I understand he didn't want to lose the potential relationship, but he should have kept his man card and waited him out.
Do You like book When I Say When (2012)?
aww, just cute. I just wish it would have been longer