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We're Going On A Lion Hunt (2008)

We're Going on a Lion Hunt (2008)

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3.8 of 5 Votes: 1
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0761454543 (ISBN13: 9780761454540)
Two Lions

About book We're Going On A Lion Hunt (2008)

Level: 1.1Interest: Kindergarten, First Grade A teacher leads the class out of the classroom by going on a lion hunt through the tall grass even through the mud. A fun way to introduce kindergarten students to listening to directions, and for listening to different sounds such as onomatopoeia. Even the story can be used as a transition between subjects by allowing students to move around. Genre: Fantasy/conceptsCopyright Date: 2008This is a book that I looked at using for one of my literature circles. I really liked this book and I love the illustrations. It has a lot of things that you could use to go with the story like the song, a felt board, props, hats, etc. I just didn't have the time to put in to all of it but I home to make a lesson out of it for my classroom.

Do You like book We're Going On A Lion Hunt (2008)?

They said they wern't afraid but they ran from the lion. Fun song. O.P.

The story has been done before, but the pictures save the book.

"adaption of going on a bear hunt, lions, cute adaption"

Fun read with the girls at bedtime.

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