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Bullies Never Win (2009)

Bullies Never Win (2009)

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3.69 of 5 Votes: 2
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0689861877 (ISBN13: 9780689861871)
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers

About book Bullies Never Win (2009)

Bullies Never Win by Margery Cuyler is a great book to introduce students about bullying. Brenda Bailey a class bully constantly teases Jessica about her skinny legs and her lunchbox. Jessica feeling defeated and confused doesn't know rather to tell or not. However, one day Jessica gathers the courage to stand up to Brenda Bailey. I would use this in my classroom regularly to remind my students about the effects and impact bullying has on individuals. I would also have students write their own letter to Brenda or Jessica where students could convey their feelings about bullying to them. I think this title says everything. No matter how young a child is, I think addressing the topic of bullying is important. This is book that I would read multiple times in the school year; at the beginning before bullying even begin, during the school year as children start to come into their personalities and also just use as needed. This is a very important topic that should be addressed more often.

Do You like book Bullies Never Win (2009)?

I really enjoyed this story, and I think it would work beautifully in a Social awareness unit.

The solution seemed to "easy" for this all-too-real problem faced by children today.

Great book to use to teach students about bullying and how to deal with it.

Get conversation starter for parents to discuss bullying.

I love the part where the bully gets told off.

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