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Unpacking The Boxes: A Memoir Of A Life In Poetry (2008)

Unpacking the Boxes: A Memoir of a Life in Poetry (2008)

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0618990658 (ISBN13: 9780618990658)
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

About book Unpacking The Boxes: A Memoir Of A Life In Poetry (2008)

I read this mostly because I really like his wife, Jane Kenyon. I find writer's lives to be interesting, so I figured I'd find this book to be interesting. Some parts were very good, particularly the parts where Jane was in the story. Other parts I could barely understand. I think that is because he writes many names of people he supposes we have heard of (and I haven't). Mr. Hall is an honest fellow, and I appreciate that. A beautiful and honest memoir by a man who decided to be a poet at age 14 and never looked back. Unpacking the Boxes is honest, engaging, and full of the kind of details that only an accomplished person of letters could craft. As in his previous memoir, The Best Day The Worst Day, Hall's reflection on his wife's illness and death is particularly moving and true. His final chapter on growing old- he's in his 80s now- is profound and illuminating as well. Inclusion of several key poems would have only added to its success.

Do You like book Unpacking The Boxes: A Memoir Of A Life In Poetry (2008)?

You need to know a whole lot more about poetry than I do to really appreciate and enjoy this book.

I thought I could not love Donald Hall more, and then I read this book.

Self indulgent.

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