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Donald Hall

Donald Hall
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Books by Donald Hall


Unpacking the Boxes: A Memoir of a Life in Poetry (2008)

I read this mostly because I really like his wife, Jane Kenyon. I find writer's lives to be interesting, so I figured I'd find this book to be interesting. Some parts were very good, particularly the parts where Jane was in the story. Other parts I could barely understand. I think that is because...

Unpacking the Boxes: A Memoir of a Life in Poetry (2008) by Donald Hall

Christmas at Eagle Pond (2012)

In 1940 a young boy travels by himself to stay with his grandparents while his mother is recuperating from surgery. As he helps his grandparents around their farm he thinks about the times he has visited during the summer and how it differs from this Christmas visit.Innocence, love of family and...

Christmas at Eagle Pond (2012) by Donald Hall

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