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Unleash (2013)

Unleash (2013)

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Felicity Heaton

About book Unleash (2013)

Snow has had a hard and violent life, dealing with the bloodlust that has been passed down through his pure blood. Aurora is an angel who saved him as a little boy and then was punished for all of his sins throughout his very long life. She has always watched over him, even though consciously he has forgotten the angel who saved him. They meet again and the passion they feel for each other cannot be denied. She helps him deal with his past and calms him to help with this bloodlust. Betrayal, confusion, a fight between the angels and vampires, and true love and mates emerge. Great read and series!! Oh My Goodness!!!!!!!!! LOVE~LOVE~LOVED IT!!!!!!!! WOW! Did I not put my phone down (kindle on phone) People would talk to me and I wouldn't hear a thing. So good nothing important that I had to do because I could NOT put it down. I Laugh, I cried, I got angry and all the sympathy was in "Their" story, That is how I feel about all of her books I have read but I have been waiting for this story of Snow. I Loved her name Aurora and how Felicity Heaton came up with another great story for our V.E.T. Family is beyond me but I am So Very happy and Honored to have read those stories. Thank so much and I sure do hope someone reads this and starts on the same journey into this world like I did. Aloha~

Do You like book Unleash (2013)?

HOT HOT HOT!!!!!!! Yay Snow, I am so happy you finally got your happily ever after.

Oh Snow! Love love love!! Beautiful end to this series:))



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