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Kissed By A Dark Prince (2000)

Kissed by a Dark Prince (2000)

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Id rate this a 3.5 star book. There were a few things that annoyed me. I never cared much for the heroine. Also the way the teleported in and out of places, over and over and such a fast rate I found to be tiresome. I also feel its current listing price of $4.99 is pretty high since its barely over 200 pages long. The romance was sweet and the sex was pretty hot. The ending left quite a bit to be desired but I guess that’s to be expected with series now days. I doubt this will be a series I personally continue. It was ok, it just didn’t have that spark of intensity that left me wanting more. **4.5 Stars** Kissed by a Dark Prince not only chronicles the lives of Olivia and Loren following their fateful meeting but also sets up the world this series inhabits, as well as explaining how the bond between eternal mates works. We learn that the world is inhabited by shifters, vampires, fae, and demons. Oh, and elves. Vampires are essentially evil but everyone else seems to co-exist relatively peacefully. There is a human organization, Archangel, that hunts supernaturals. I'm not sure their mission exactly, but Olivia seeks knowledge of the others in order to better relations between species. When Loren surreptitiously lands on Olivia's doorstep, a species Olivia has never seen, she's excited.Olivia is a doctor and as such studies the other species brought into Archangel. She has had a few bad experiences though and feels a desperate need to redeem herself with her colleagues. Loren seems like the perfect place to start - until he bites her and sets into motion something that will change her life forever.Loren is an elf prince and comes around with no recollection of how he got to Archangel. What he does know is that he's in need of blood and this beautiful woman hovering over him will suit just fine. But the first taste of her blood unleashes something he was unprepared for...something he'd stopped hoping he'd find.I liked both Olivia and Loren. Olivia is smart, tenacious and stubborn. She's always thinking, calculating, considering - and I liked that about her. Of course, I wished she'd stopped over-thinking at a few points and had just gone with her heart. But I understood her reasoning. Loren is strong, loyal almost to a fault, kind, and protective. He's sacrificed so much to protect his people, never giving up hope of finding his mate. He and Olivia share compassion for others and complemented one another well. It took awhile for Olivia to see their link wasn't just about the bond.We also meet Loren's brother, Vail, his second in command, Bleu, Olivia's best friend, Sable, and others. Each character is well defined and I'm anxious for their stories. They added depth, and often humor, to the story.I will admit that parts of the story dragged for me. I tired of Olivia's waffling on whether or not she wanted to complete the bond with Loren. Of course, the waffling enabled them to better get to know one another and realize they had developed real feelings, so it had purpose. The last 25% though, the action and tension really ramped up and I was flying through the pages. I was shocked at the turn of events - and just as relieved by them as Loren and Olivia were.Kissed by a Dark Prince was every bit as good as I was hoping it would be. I'm looking forward to losing myself in this world again and seeing who's up next in finding their eternal mate.

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Love all of your books have become such a fan of the paranormal ......can't wait to read book two

Great read! Can't wait to see what she has in store for these characters in her upcoming books.

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