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Uma História De Amor Eterno (2014)

Uma História de Amor Eterno (2014)

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About book Uma História De Amor Eterno (2014)

Sand Dollar is a book that needs to be read more than one time. Its a beautiful book of Noah the main character and his search for that one soul mate we are to have. Noah meets his soul mate but at that time he wasn't her soul mate. They go around each other chasing that special love. Noah is hamperred by his family. They are well off, Jewish, and he has worked for his dad his entire llfe. They are very upset over the girl that Noah falls for. She is not of the same class of society that he was raised in through school and all his life. She is from a trailor park with parents that laugh and interact with their daughter and just enjoying life barely making it by. Sem palavras!!!! :) Provavelmente, esta será a mais bonita história de amor que li nos últimos anos...Esta é a história de Noah e Robin, contada por aquele aos oitenta anos, deitado numa cama de hospital e com uma audiência no mínimo inusitada.A história começa quando Noah é ainda um homem de meia idade com mais dinheiro do que aquele que pode gastar. Herdeiro de uma fortuna invejável, vive com a dificuldade de encontrar uma mulher que não se apaixone pelo seu dinheiro ou pela vida financeiramente confortável que este lhe pode proporcionar.Noah procura "a tal" e encontra-a no momento em que conhece Robin, que lhe dá a conhecer que há muito mais para além da zona de conforto em que Noah se habituou a viver. Mas Robin esconde um segredo que ameaça deitar por terra tudo aquilo que juntos viriam a construir. Feito de altos e baixos, o caminho que ambos trilham em busca da felicidade é repleto de momentos carregados de grandes emoções.É, sem dúvida, uma história de amor eterno, que resiste ao tempo e às adversidades, atravessando ventos e tempestades e que nos ensina a relembrar-nos, diariamente, das razões que nos fazem amar quem amamos. Dou-lhe 5 estrelas pela beleza da história, pela forma como está contada e pelo final de conto de fadas com que todos sonhamos.****I’m speechless!!! :) This was probably the most beautiful love story I've read in the last few years ...This is the story of Noah and Robin, told by him at the age of eighty yeas old, while lying in a hospital bed with an audience a little bit uncommon .The story begins when Noah is still a middle-aged man with more money than he can even spend. Heir to an enviable fortune, he struggles with the difficulty of finding a woman who is not in love with his money or the financially comfortable life that he can provide.Noah’s looking for "the one" and finds her when he meets Robin, the woman who will show him that there is so much more beyond the comfort zone in which Noah always lived in. But Robin hides a secret that threatens to tear up all that they built. With a lot of ups and downs, they both tread a path in search of their happiness, one that is loaded of great emotional moments.It is undoubtedly a story of eternal and undying love, which resists time and adversity, through winds and storms in order to remind us daily of the reasons that make us love the people we love.I believe these to be 5 well deserved stars, not only for the beauty of the story but also because of the way it is told and for the fairy tale ending we all dream of.

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Really needs to be a movie, so well written and touching that we all have soul mates!

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Just ok

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