I didn't get this series read in order so maybe I didn't enjoy them as much because of that.1895The Four Sinclair Sisters are in shock when their father loses his job and house and goes to Paris without them. The two oldest Kat and Nell head to Cripple Creek, Colorado, as mail order brides as their sisters stay in the east to finish their schooling. When the girls get to Colorado they find one groom, Paddy, not as nice as his letters, and the other Judson not in town. Because of a fire they find themselves with a young girl to take care of and a shack to live in. The most positive part of this part of their lifes' journey is Hattie, who cares for them at her boardinghouse. Before Nell meets Judson, Kat helps the new doctor in town, Morgan.304 pages Book was weak in many parts of it Story line was OK , but author really wrote a story that had been written many times before. Mail order brides does not work out, other does but delayed in meeting each other. Part have no bearing on the story and I wonder why it was written in. Rosita why did she be a part of this story? I am now reading the second of the series and it seems to be a better plot, but we shall see.
Do You like book Two Brides Too Many (2010)?
A sweet Historical Fiction story of two mail order bride sisters.
Not a great book, but pretty good for a quick, light read.