I didn't get this series read in order so maybe I didn't enjoy them as much because of that.1895The Four Sinclair Sisters are in shock when their father loses his job and house and goes to Paris without them. The two oldest Kat and Nell head to Cripple Creek, Colorado, as mail order brides as th...
While I have definitely been enjoying the sage of the Sinclair sisters, I found this book to be slightly weaker then its predecessor, Two Brides Too Many. While I will continue on with the series, there was something about the message in this book that was a bit of a put-off. There was of course...
A delightfull read. This is the first of Mona's books that I have read. The novel is very well structured and contains wonderful prose as well as much food for thought that will inspire you to look within yourself on occassion. The story is about a small wagon train on its way to California co...