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Triple Jump (2013)

Triple Jump (2013)

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3.47 of 5 Votes: 3
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M/M Romance Group @ goodreads

About book Triple Jump (2013)

A fun threesome short story with a sprinkling of shifter elements. I very much enjoyed the sparkling, big-hearted personality that is Jeff and the cautious but caring Patrick. Shy Taylor was a lovely addition to their relationship and this story really showcased that. The shifter aspect added a much needed challenge to the happy-go-lucky progression of their relationship. However, due to the limitations that most short stories have, the shifter aspect of the story was downplayed.Overall, I liked the story and the characters in it were very positive and heartwarming. I like that in characters. This is the very first shifter menage I have ever come across, and I just completely adored it.All three men were fantastically well-drawn, especially for a novella-length story. Jeff was a lovable, bouncy, energetic bottom; Patrick a big-hearted but cautious caretaker; and Taylor the adorable, shy bobcat-shifter that they were missing to complete their relationship.The relationship between Jeff and Patrick was lovely and shown very well, while still making their desire to add a third believable. And the way the "mates" trope was adapted to include both Jeff and Patrick was lovely. I was left honestly believing that they are better off as 3... which isn't always the case at the end of menage stories for me.I only wish we could have spent more time together with the three of them at the end. It felt like there'd been such lovely building-up of the relationship, and that made the end feel somewhat abrupt. I'd love to read more about these men!

Do You like book Triple Jump (2013)?

Love ménage nod shifter stories and this one fit the bill perfectly!!!!

3.5 stars

3.5 stars


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