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Tam Ames

Tam Ames
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.49

Books by Tam Ames


Triple Jump (2013)

A fun threesome short story with a sprinkling of shifter elements. I very much enjoyed the sparkling, big-hearted personality that is Jeff and the cautious but caring Patrick. Shy Taylor was a lovely addition to their relationship and this story really showcased that. The shifter aspect added a m...

Triple Jump (2013) by Tam Ames

Secret Santa Surprise (2000)

WTF? The guy was drugged by a woman that wanted to have a child and the guy just say 'muh'??? Hello, he was raped! But hey, we all know that guys can't be "really" raped by women so why make a drama about that. Cliche.And again the two women briefly present in the book are bitches. Cliche. All gu...

Secret Santa Surprise (2000) by Tam Ames

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