This book was kind of a let down...I expected more from Chantal Fernando.I didn't feel the chemistry between Paris and Grey and truthfully Paris was kind of a bitch sometimes to him and she would get mad at him for stupid reasons. I gave the book a chance and finished it but truth be told I almost gave up at the middle of the book.I liked London (Paris's bitchy sister) more than the main character and that is saying something.If you like the books by Chantal Fernando (like I do) give it a try but otherwise you better chose another book to read so you don't waste a few hours like I just did. Аннотация обещала очень напряженный роман, но в действительности вышло что-то очень средненькое. Первые 60 страниц действительно классные, но когда герои сходятся ,сюжет откровенно начинает хромать на обе ноги, почти 75 % они ревнуют друг друга к каждому встречному поперечному или просто высасывают драму из пальца. Я ели дочитала до конца.
Just can't go wrong with a Chantal Fernando story..
Holy Grayson !!!!!' And that's all I can say
Couldn't even finish.
Great story. :-)
Review coming!!