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Tomorrow Girls: Behind The Gates (2011)

Tomorrow Girls: Behind the Gates (2011)

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Scholastic Paperbacks

About book Tomorrow Girls: Behind The Gates (2011)

This book was great even though it is quite short it is very interesting to read. I liked this book because I could picture myself in those girls situation with no contact with home or any contact except with the girls at the private school where we don't even have a clue where we are and just want to go home. this book is part of a big series that I can't wait to read because it sounds like these girls are getting trained for battle as they are learning skills that you would have never learned if you stayed home. These girls were sent to the middle of nowhere to learn how to shoot a gun and shoot arrows and some of them are figuring out that the teachers are lying to them and try to escape to get help from the monsters creating an army of children. I look forward to reading the rest of these great books. "'Whether you accept the challenges that lie ahead or not, they will assuredly fall to you,'" Okay, so for those kids who really wanted to read Hunger Games but who maybe aren't ready for the content/reading level, this book works. It's about some sort of war, and because of this war, children whose parents can afford it are sent away from the danger to a school in the wilderness where they learn outdoor survival skills. All of their electronics are taken away, and the school uses oil lamps to light the dorm rooms. Boys and girls are separated by a lake that, they are told, is poisoned. As a Hunger Games substitute, this works. Dystopian is still huge, so I get it. But as a book, I'm not sure what's going on. We get bits and pieces of what this Alliance is, and some of the events that have taken place, but there really is no context for what is going on. The book begins with Louisa, our main character, leaving her parents to go to this school. Children (possibly adults too?) have to wear identification bracelets, but we're not told what they do or why. I feel as though the author has good intentions, and this is a middle grade read so I get that, but I'm missing the context of this book and why there is a conflict at all.

Do You like book Tomorrow Girls: Behind The Gates (2011)?

It was an amazing book I read it when I was in 4th grade and it was really good.

love the book, love the series


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