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Toads On Toast (2012)

Toads on Toast (2012)

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3.59 of 5 Votes: 1
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1554536626 (ISBN13: 9781554536627)
Kids Can Press

About book Toads On Toast (2012)

3.5 stars -- A clever mama toad tricks a fox into preparing and eating a toad-free snack, instead of her children--whom he originally planned to eat. Vegetarian families will especially appreciate this tale, because it shows that meals don't have to contain animals to be tasty--just try something new, you may be surprised! Vegan parents note: Although the meatless "Toad in a Hole" snack contains no toads or other animals, it does call for eggs, butter, and cheese. A lot of fun. Similar, in humor and plot, to several of Keiko Kaza's picture books. A fox, tired of his usual meals, finds a recipe book that recommends eating young toads. He snatches a whole bowl of them, but then finds himself face to face with a mama toad who is not about to see her young toadlets become lunch. Creative, funny, with a happy ending for all involved. What really makes this stand out, however, are the great illustrations and hysterical side comments the mother keeps making to her toadlets.Now I'm going to have to try making toad-in-a-hole myself!

Do You like book Toads On Toast (2012)?

Cleverly written, with elements of traditional tales and trickery.

Fun to read aloud, and includes a yummy recipe for Toad-in-a-Hole.


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