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If You Happen To Have A Dinosaur (2014)

If You Happen to Have a Dinosaur (2014)

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1770495681 (ISBN13: 9781770495685)
Tundra Books

About book If You Happen To Have A Dinosaur (2014)

The many daily tasks a dinosaur could assist with or complete are listed and illustrated in If You Happen to Have a Dinosaur. A reader's imagination could be sparked to generate more uses for a dinosaur. Creativity could be further expanded by considering other pets and animals and describing their uses. The illustrations throughout the story really bring the imaginative and creative aspect of the story to life. A little more explanation about how the dinosaurs came to be in the house and neighborhood would enhance the story - are the dinosaurs pets? servants? friends? If You Happen to Have a Dinosaur will have readers laughing and thinking outside of the box. Wondering what to do with your pet dinosaur? This is the book for you, my friend! Dinosaurs can be very helpful. They make excellent can-openers, snow plows, water slides and even burglar alarms. (Although your dinosaur might not make the best babysitter or picnic basket carrier.) The possibilities are endless if you happen to have a dinosaur! In a sea of dinosaur tales, this fun and quirky title is a stand out offering for young readers and listeners. The comic-style illustrations and humorous expressions on the character's faces will bring out the giggles for sure. The best part of the story is that it invites the readers to take the imaginative aspects of the story beyond the pages of the book with their own imaginations. This title will be a sure-fire hit with all readers age 4 and up, especially those who are already dinosaur fans.

Do You like book If You Happen To Have A Dinosaur (2014)?

This book would make a good writing prompt for all my teacher friends out there. :)

The illustrations are amazing. My son loves this book!

ARC supplied by publisher via NetGalley

great story, fabulous pictures.

It should have rhymed.

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